Richard L. 'Dick' Harben
Lafayette, IN
QCWA # 22814
I got my nickname Dick when I was WB8FFZ in Ohio. In 1991 I moved to Indiana and received my new call. I've been off the air from 1992 until March 3, 2007.
I have an Elecraft K2/100 I build in May of 2013 after Dayton. I also have a LDG Z-11 Pro Tuner for fine tunning my Hustler 6BTV Vertical on 80 Meters. My other antena is a 20 and 40 Meter Dipole on a 22 Ft. pole with an X pattern. Both Vertical and Dipoles are mounted on a flat commercial roof with steel framing underneath. Both work well.
Since I've retired in January 2005 as a Lighting Designer for Juno Lighting, Fishers Indiana, I've became a Mall Walker and Walk 2 to 3 miles in the morning before Breakfast. After I eat I go to my my Wood shop and work on Wood projects and Amateur Radio.
I built 2 QRP Kits and mounted them in wooden boxes. I belong to the YL-ISSB Group on 14,332. I'm also interested in CW and QRP Operating so I also belong to the Fists CW Organization, QRP International and just joined the Michigan QRP Club at Dayton this year. (2014)
September 28, 2014