George L. Gardner
Merrimack, NH
QCWA # 38821
First Call: WV2PSB issued in 1960 Other Call(s): WA2PSB WA1GTQ
I was first licensed in 1960 as a Novice with the call WV2PSB. I lived in Kenmore (near Buffalo), New York. Back then the Novice license was valid for one year and not renewable, so I upgraded to General (WA2PSB). Incentive licensing had not yet started, so I didn't feel the need to upgrade further.
Like so many of my peers, I got "hooked" early with the magic of wireless communication. I built some crystal sets and then got an Allied Knight-Kit Ocean Hopper three-tube regenerative receiver as a birthday gift. Wow! I did a lot of SWLing with that radio. Listening to ham radio operators opened another exciting new world to me.
I was fortunate to have three wonderful Elmers: My dad, Frank Gardner. He never got his license, but was knowledgeable in electronics and was my biggest supporter. The other two were Burt Jones (W2CUU) and Fletcher (Bud) Warren (WA2STI, later K1ZHD).
After college, I moved to Massachusetts to start a job at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) as a Technical Writer. As I advanced there I took on additional Course Development and Training responsibilities, eventually managing a corporate Technical Documentation and Training group. I was fortunate to have been with DEC for 30 years.
Due to starting a career, serving some military time, getting married and starting a family, I was off the air for several years. I finally got back on the air in the late
'70s. I had kept my General license current, changing my call to WA1GTQ when I moved. Incentive licensing had started and it didn't take me long to want those frequency privileges I no longer had! I upgraded to Advanced and then Extra Class, receiving the call KG1V.
While living and working in Acton, MA, I got involved with a local radio club, ABARC, Acton-Boxboro ARC. The club was active in Field Day and doing community service. I always volunteered for overnight duty on Field Day (40 cw) and had a blast. The club also held classes, helping prepare prospective hams; I was a club VE for several years.
I'm retired now and reside in southern New Hampshire. I have a modest station, running a TS-590SG barefoot to basic wire antennas. I enjoy DXing and contesting; CW is my favorite mode and continues to be
"music to my ears." I also enjoy participating in the weekly CWops events.
My wife Carolyn and I have two married daughters and six grandchildren. They all live nearby, so we get to enjoy some family gatherings. Carolyn and I enjoy traveling (hopefully more again soon, post pandemic) and hiking together. We both enjoy choral singing and are active in a Community Chorus; I also sing in a church choir. Other interests include cooking, and reading.
Memberships include: ARRL, CWops, 10-10 Int., and QCWA.
George KG1V
November 25, 2022