Thomas R. 'Tom' Utesch
Clinton, NY
QCWA # 28910
First licensed as a novice (WN2VSL) in 1965, upgraded to General (WB2VSL) in 1966, Advanced in 1967 (?) and finally Extra (KG2U) in 2012.
Retired from my job in 2011 (work history: http://www.linkedin.com/in/utesch) and am enjoying a renewed interest in Ham Radio, the outdoors and not going to work every morning! I am still active in various volunteer pursuits in order to give something back to the community.
I am also an avid motorcyclist with a BMW K1200S and a Buell 1125CR
I operate an APRS IGate at my home and with the new digipeater of the Rome Radio Club we finally have great local APRS coverage. Thanks to RRC for their hard work!
I am a Diamond Member of the ARRL, a Life Member of the QCWA and a member of the ARRL A1 Operators Club.
Local club affiliations are the Rome Radio Club and the Rochester Amateur Radio Association.
I will QSL direct 100% upon receipt of your card (no IRCs or the like necessary) and I also add each QSO to the LoTW.
March 6, 2015