Lloyd J. Cabral (and Ginger)
Keaau, HI
QCWA # 27406
Chapter 194
QTH: Keaau Hawaii, Hawaii County, Grid Square: BK29, CQ Zone: 31, ITU Zone: 61
ARRL Life Member, QCWA Life Member, CWops # 85, FOC # 1985
I was first licensed in 1966 as WN6TRR/WB6TRR in Fremont Calif. I had a great Elmer in Bob Harris WB6OKE, now W6FV. Our family farmed vegetables along the East Bay shore when the Bay Area still had farms and orchards. As a new ham, I joined the Hayward Radio Club where I first met Bob Vallio W6RGG. Upon moving to Santa Cruz County in 1972, one of the first people I met was Dave Rowley WA6UZA / N6RZ, now a SK. It was Dave who introduced me to contesting and the NCCC. Dave also shamed me into upgrading both my license and CW skills. I became AA6T and held that call until 2003. My career consisted of 32 years with Pacific Bell in Santa Cruz County, the last 22 of those in Electronic Switching Systems.
In 2003 I purchased my 4 acre home near Hilo Hawaii.The following I year retired and moved over permanently. I built this station so I could get together with friends and do some Multi-Op contesting. We've been having lots of fun ever since. The small shack has identical operating positions. We currently have 4 towers up, two AN Wireless towers, a rotatable steel pole and a freestanding crankup. All 4 towers are Hawaii County permitted structures with a 90 foot height limit. We like Mike Stahl's Msq antennas. One tower supports large monobanders for 20, 15 and 10, another has a 4-element 40 meter yagi along with a C-31-XR tribander. The third tower supports a KT-36XA tribander. The new 4th tower supports a 3 el 40 meter yagi over a KT-36XA. On 80 we use a 4-Square vertical array (custom made by Msq ) with an extensive radial system. On 160 we transmit using a shunt fed tower. Beverages are available for receive on 80 and 160. We use N1MM for logging. Fellow Big Island residents Curt Knight AH6RE, Rob Van Geen NH6V and Fred Honnold KH7Y regularly participate in KH6LC multi-op efforts.
Please visit our website www.KH6LC.com for additional station and operator information.
QSLs: All contest logs go into LoTW.
If you'd like a QSL card, please QSL with an SASE or IRC to our QSL Manager:
Tom Thomas, WA6WPG 1149 Gentle Dr. Corona, Ca. 92880 Or......
You may also QSL DIRECT with an SASE or IRC. No SASE or IRC = No QSL. We do not use eQSL or QRZ.
Thank you for all the contacts and QSOs. We look forward to working you again soon.
73 and Aloha, Lloyd KH6LC

Photo: 2nd Op Ginger, Lloyd KH6LC, Fred KH7Y, Rob NH6V, Curt AH6RE
January 14, 2015