Robert H. 'Bob' Snyder
Mililani, HI
QCWA # 36853
Enjoyed working as W1AW/KH6 Centennial during the week of Dec 17, 2014 with about 16 other Local KH6 operators. Many thanks to Lloyd Cabal, KH6LC for coordinating the whole big operations.
Retired Navy (1979), retired Fed Service (1999) took a short break of three years and went back to same job I retired from in 1999 at RTF (Radio Transmitting Facility) Lualualei, working for the contractor, BAE Systems. Did ten years with them and finally called it quits in 2010. Figured 50 years of working the naval communication field gave me the right to call it quits, while I could still walk and talk (but prefer CW).
I haven't been active in years but I get 3 to 4 qsl cards a year.. Sorry I can't confirm any QSO's with KH6Y during that time frame of about twelve years 2002-2014 unless I was working from a guest station.
August 31, 2014 am now active once again. ....... I'm lacking two states for WAS: VT, and WVA. Its hard to get QSL's if they don't use LoTW. My fault.
Ok, have been active mainly on CW. Will QSL via LOTW. Am quite restricted with my Antenna Farm since I live in an area of strict HOA which means I have to hide antenna (see above). Using a ICOM-7410 with LDG base Tuner. Seem to be good for 40-10. 6 is tunable but can't hear no one.
November 08, 2015