KI4F 1934 - 2019
Robert H. 'Bob' Morecock
Mattaponi, VA
QCWA # 34561
Chapter 119
First Call: WN4DRA in 1961 Other Call(s): WA4DRA
Name is Bob. Retired bridge engineer. Retired from VDOT in 1991 and worked with various consulting engineers after leaving VDOT. Fully retired now.
First licensed as WN4DRA in 1961. Followed that with WA4DRA as a General. Took and passed Advanced and Extra test with code test the same day at FCC headquarters in DC before they moved to Gettysburg. Later applied for Extra call sign and received KI4F.
At Mattaponi, VA (King & Queen County) I use Icom 7610 with Icom PW-1. Small lot but have 40' tower with Cushcraft MA5B 20/17/15/12/10 meter antenna using Hy-gain CD-45II rotator; Also use an 80 thru 10 meter windom antenna for 7610 & PW-1, TS-2000, or TS-830S. Also use Kenwood TS-2000 for 2 meters with a vertical antenna up about 45 feet.
Mobile operation uses a Yaesu FT-857 with ATAS-120 antenna.
You might work me portable from Stafford County, VA where I use an Icom 756Pro3 or a Yaesu FT-1000MP to a 40 meter Carolina Windom. I use a Radio Shack HTX-242 for 2 meters.