Joseph J. 'Joe' Ostrowski
Virginia Beach, VA
QCWA # 35951
Chapter 119
First Call: WN2GKU issued in 1963 Other Call(s): WB2GKU N5OFY G0RPN
Joe O constructed a HF Transceiver Kit in 1961. His 1st HAM Call sign was WN2GKU. He rejoined the hobby in 1990. Joe served as Assistant MARS Director at Griffiss AFB, NY during the 1st Gulf War. During his last overseas tour with the US Air Force, his operations in England were as G0RPN. His current HAM focus is operating on the HF bands and learning more about antennas. Joe has home-brewed antennas for a large amount of the Amateur Radio spectrum. The antenna construction extends from the new 630-Meters (0.474 MHz) to 13-Centimeters (2412 MHz). Recent learning experiences include SDR RX.
Joe authored TWO award winning QST articles; in October 2011 .A Remote Impedance Matching Network. and in December 2015 .Orthogonal Loops- A Medium Wavelength Receiving System.. His suggestions for care of connectors was published in the November 2018, H&H section of QST.
As an ARRL accredited Volunteer Examiner, he has served at 100 test sessions.
Joe is the recipient of the ARRL Rocky Mountain Division.s 2013, Technical Achievement Award. He has given 34 presentations at Radio Club meetings since 1996. He has had the pleasure to discuss Amateur Radio topics to groups in Texas, New Mexico and most recently, Virginia. As an ARRL Instructor he has elmered (mentored) several individuals.
From his former QTH in New Mexico, he completed Worked All States on 6 HF Bands. His DM62 (NM) VHF activity on 50-MHz has resulted in a VUCC score of 236 grid squares. Joe.s DXCC Band Challenge score is 596 with 198 Entities confirmed. The July 2015 relocation to urban Virginia Beach has created new antenna challenges. Current antennas are: 43 Ft Home-Brew Vertical (160-20 Meters), 130 Ft End Fed 80-M Half Wave Wire (Matched 160-10 Meters), 6-Meter 1.50 wl Inverted-L, 12-Meter Vertical Dipole, and a V/UHF X-50A Vertical. A low (10 Ft) 100 Ft Long OCFD and two 4 x 6 Ft, 5 turn Magnetic Loops provides signals for SDR receiving.

April 01, 2019