Mark G. Hunn
Richland, WA
QCWA # 37249
Chapter 170
I've been a ham for a long time, but not active in quite a while. Coming back into the hobby has been as much fun as first getting my ticket. Things have changed!. My new, entry level FT-2900 has so much more capability than what was available back in the day. What haven't changed are my fellow hams. Y'all are still great folks!
By trade, I'm an engineer, and work for the maintenance group attached to the fire department on the Hanford Site. Working at a Manhattan Project site has been pretty interesting over the years. The challanges involved in cleaning up after the defense production days are tremendous, and watching it all happen really satisfies my inner nerd.
On my own time, I'm grandpa Mark to my three grandsons, love to get out on my motorcycle, enjoy backpacking and hiking, and turning money into noise at the range whenever I can.
December 22, 2016