Luis R. Cruz
Miami, FL
QCWA # 38088
First Call: CO8RCE issued in 1980 Other Call(s): CL8RNK
Te aseguro que si le hechas un vistazo,no querras perderte este interesante mundo.
Adentrandonos en el mundo de la transmisiĆ³e datos digitales,creamos una nueva forma de comunicacion el Broadband Hamnet,puedes probar tu mismo,te dejo los datos de la pagina oficial, donde puedes encontrar toda la informacion necesaria para fabricar tu propio nodo de acceso a la red.
English ( I assure you that if you take a look, you will not want to miss this interesting world.
Entering the world of digital data transmission, we create a new way of communicating Broadband Hamnet, you can try it yourself, I leave you the data of the official website, where you can find all the necessary information to manufacture your own access node to the net. )
Te aseguro que si le hechas un vistazo,no querras perderte este interesante mundo.
English ( I assure you that if you take a look, you will not want to miss this interesting world. )
Entering the world of digital data transmission, we create a new form of communication the Broadband Hamnet, you can try your own, I leave the data of the official page, where you can find all the information necessary to manufacture your own access node to network.
I assure you that if you make a visit, you will not want to miss this interesting world.
Luis Raul Cruz

September 28, 2019