Leslie D. 'Les' Myers
Canal Fulton, OH
QCWA # 34623
Chapter 21
Viking 11, rock bound on 80 meters
Hallicrafters S76 CW 10 WPM
At this time running a Kenwood TS-2000 100 watts to a CushCraft R-8 vertical.
Next up is a Stepper on Rhon 55 at 85 ft. and Ameritron AL-80B
Retired Bureau Chief, Canton Fire Dept.
Now Consultent for Automatic Fire Sprinkler Co's.
First call was WN8TJF in grade school 1954.
Member of Canton Amateur Radio Club ( W8AL )
Chapter 21 QCWA Treasure
ARRL - QCWA 34623 - Fists 13825 - F&AM
DX Century Club
Licensed 1954, WN8TJF. Retired Bureau Chief Canton Fire. Consultant Automatic Fire Systems.

Picture is from 1954 as WN8TJF Age 15.........
September 24, 2015