KL7Y - October 31, 2002
Daniel K. 'Dan' Robbins
Wasilla, AK
QCWA # 26237
Chapter 92
From: http://www.contesting.com/articles/336
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident - from Bill Fisher on November 1, 2002
DANIEL K ROBBINS - KL7Y died in a motorcycle accident Thursday according to Bill Fisher, W4AN.
A news bulletin at the Honolulu Star Bulletin follows below.
Alaska man dies after Kona motorcycle accident By Star-Bulletin Staff citydesk@starbulletin.com
KAILUA-KONA, Hawaii. October 31, 2002
A 54-year-old Alaska man died today after he lost control of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle he was riding in Kona and drove into a lava field, the Hawaii County Fire Department said. The victim's name was not immediately released. The accident 12 miles north of Kailua-Kona on Mamalahoa Highway was reported at 12:57 p.m. The Fire Department said the victim, who was not wearing a helmet, suffered head and other injuries. He was pronounced dead at Kona Community Hospital.
Honolulu Star-Bulletin article
2002 Honolulu Star-Bulletin -- http://starbulletin.com
97 comments from Hams around the world follow:
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by K7JA on November 1, 2002
I am just sick to hear this news.
Godspeed KL7Y. . .we'll miss you, OM.
73 de Chip
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by AA6TT on November 1, 2002
This is very sad. My condolences to Dan's family and friends.
I regularly worked KL7Y on all six bands during the major DX contests and also worked Dan on 6m last winter. Always a big signal.
Bill AA6TT
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by va7nt on November 1, 2002
Fare Thee well. You will be greatly missed.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by k6iii on November 1, 2002
I am truely saddened to hear of Dan's accident and death. I had a contact with him just last weekend from HI during the contest. I visited Dan and his contest QTH while in AK this summer. He was quite hospitable. I have a jpeg foto of that visit, him sitting at his radios and would be glad to forward it to anyone who cares to send me an email de Jerry/k6iii email: k6iii@arrl.net
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by AL1G on November 1, 2002
I am very sad at the loss of Dan. He was a good friend and I enjoyed so much going to his station for contests. I will very much miss hearing him on two meters in the mornings on the way to work.
Corliss - AL1G
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KC1XX on November 1, 2002
I'm really sorry to hear that. He was a great guy and also my first KL7 DX when I was DL7AEY back in the 80's. My condolences to his family and all his friends.
-Matt (KC1XX)
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by N6RZ on November 1, 2002
I am sickened by this. Dan will be missed on all the bands for sure. I had the pleasure of meeting him in the mid 80's. I went fishing out of Homer for Halibut with him and a gang of hams just before catching a flight home. It is a memory I will never forget.
73 Dan de Dave, N6RZ
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by ea3ku on November 1, 2002
We will miss him . My condolences to his family .
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by K9PG on November 1, 2002
I just spent a weekend with Dan at the KH7R multi-multi in CQWW SSB.... this news is very hard to take..... I'm completely numb. When it comes to good people, there was nobody better. RIP Dan.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by N4PN on November 1, 2002
Sad, Sad news. Just will not seem right not to hear KL7Y in all the contest. He was always there. Rest in Peace Friend...'til we QSO again.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KØHB on November 1, 2002
Colleen and I wish you fair winds and following seas, dear friend.
73, de KØHB & KØCKB
Contest like there's no tomorrow, 'cause you never know.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KL9A on November 1, 2002
Dan was my contesting elmer, and a great friend. He was a great operator and taught me a lot. This came as a complete shock, and I am extremely sad to see Dan go.
Things will never be the same again.
We miss you Dan, 73 OM. 599 1.
-Chris KL9A
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by k7ss on November 1, 2002
So sad.... godspeed Mr. Zone One...
you will be sorely missed..
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident
by kx9x on November 2, 2002
Dan was the very first station I worked on all 6 bands in a contest. Because of that 160 QSO, he was my 50th state for 160m WAS, which was a big deal to me at the time. I never met him personally, but I'll never forget him.
This is very sad indeed.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KM3T on November 2, 2002
Dan was way too young to go. Extremely saddened to hear this news today. Only met Dan once but worked him and his station countless times. A true loss to contesting.
RIP OM. Until we work again...
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident
by AAØRS on November 2, 2002
This is very very sad news, Dan was such a nice person with whom I had contact many times during many years. Nice people are always remembered.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by kl7fh on November 2, 2002
I have spent the last day remembering all of the times I have spent with Dan and wondering why this happened. Dan was a true friend...we not only spent time with Amateur Radio together, we also worked in the same office. Dan and I were a team at the job and spent the last 12 years sharing our days solving problems and developing new inovative ways to improve the networks in Alaska for the FAA. Dan was inspiring and a leader with the ideas he had and the knowledge he carried. Dan Robbins shall always be a name embedded in the Alaska FAA Region and the Amatuer Radio Community. Contesting in Alaska just will not be the same...
With that I say my last report to KL7Y...
KL7Y 599 01 73 es TU de KL7FH SK
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by WA2GO on November 2, 2002
A kinder, more generous gentleman you will not find anywhere. Dan was Alaska's amateur radio ambassador to the world, was a great elmer, a great technician, a first class operator, and a touchingly benevolent person. He happily shared his station and his skills with anyone who wished to be blessed with his company. He had no secrets, no skeletons, no "bad" side. I loved that guy, and I will miss him for the rest of my life. He will live on as an inspiration to anyone who knew him.
73 Danno,
John - WA2GO
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KA9FOX on November 2, 2002
I was honored to be one of Dan's last QSOs, as he was the 20m op at KH7R Sunday afternoon of CQWW SSB when I worked them.
I am sad that I never got to meet Dan in person, but have heard such great things about him from countless others. I can still hear his voice, booming in from Alaska, with that auroral flutter... Kilo Lima Seven Yankee... Dan, we will miss you dearly! See you on the other side...
- Scott KA9FOX
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by ua9cdc on November 2, 2002
Hard to beleave... This is a tremendous loss to all of us.
We never met in person but had hundreds of QSO in and out of contests since mid seventies. We also shared another sport - volleyball. We talked about playing together one day. Now it will not happen. Dan will always be remembered as a great person and one of the best contesters. My condolences to Dan's family. R.I.P. dear friend.
... -.-
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by NL7Z on November 2, 2002
I have lost a truly dear friend, mentor, neighbor, and tower partner. Dan was the most even keeled person I have ever had the pleasure to know, and I will always remember our times together. Anyone that knew Dan now has an empty spot in their life. Dan was an extened part of my family, we celebrated holidays, birthdays, and any other thing we could think about. God speed dear friend, 73 es dit dit
cul, NL7Z
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KR8V on November 2, 2002
I received the news of Dan's passing this morning from our mutual friend Ken, W8LU. I am deeply saddened. I had the priviledge of operating from KL7Y's great station on three ocassions, most recently in Feb. 2002, but the greatest priviledge and honor was just in knowing Dan. Dan never complained about anything - not even when the aurora would hit during a good run or when the 40 mtr. rotor would freeze up during a Nov. contest. His good natured, easy going style was a blessing that I will long remember. He shared his station, his time, his skills and most importantly, his heart, with everyone he came in contact.
God bless you Dan and may you RIP.
Gary, KR8V
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by AC7QI on November 2, 2002
The world wide amateur radio community has suffered a tremendous loss with Dan's passing. He will be sorely missed by many. My condolences to those that loved him, those that knew him, and those that never had the privelege.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by LZ2CJ on November 3, 2002
THE GREAT LOSS ! A great contester has left this world and we'll allways remember him! RIP Dan
Wally LZ2CJ(LZ8T), LZ9W&YM3LZ team member
Blessings to KL7Y by N5NU on November 3, 2002
I've been out of the loop for a while, but saddened to hear of radio's loss of one of AK's finest. I'll never forget that 50-over 9 signal and his way of always hearing and listening... Bless you & your family
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by n7xm on November 3, 2002
God speed. the KL7Y QSL of the AK country side is posted next to my operating position - So I feel he is riding "shot gun" by my shoulder - see ya in the GREAT RESONANCE above - Bye
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by XE2K on November 3, 2002
C U L DAN 73 de XE2K
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by S5ØU on November 3, 2002
We miss you, rest in peace Dan
Dan, S5ØU
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by NL7MW on November 3, 2002
The world is a poorer place today, as a Giant has passed from us...but lets be glad and grateful to have known this icon...and Alaska's Ham Radio Ambasseduer to the world. It is not everyday that one can know a hero.
Godspeed my dear friend ... there is a large and empty hole in all of us now, but we will always be looking up to you.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by W9WI on November 4, 2002
Yikes. I was hoping that rumor was only a rumor.
There are certain operators who simply *are* their country. Cape Verde=D44BC. Ascension=ZD8Z. U.A.E.=A61AJ. South Africa=ZS6EZ. Panama=HP1AC. Yukon=VY1JA.
And Alaska=KL7Y. Name a contest; his was the call that was always there.
When someone joins Silent Keys, it's common to say they'll be missed. In Dan's case, we mean it.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by wl7e on November 4, 2002
My very long time best friend, Dan KL7Y
I have spoken with Dan's family and asked permission to post the following information. I have offered to handle any email condolences regarding Dan KL7Y. I will take them with me to Illinois for the funeral to give them to his family and long time girl friend. The information is listed at the bottom. Please pass this to the different reflectors Dan may have been on.
I had the very great honor and privilege of knowing and contesting with Dan from 1979 until his last contest at the KH7R station last week. I recall looking over at Dan on the 20m station during our last contest together while he was working EU late at night. He gave me the 'thumbs up' as he always did from his home station every time. He was having fun. When he left the KH7R station headed for Kona I told him 'see you next month.. To my great sorrow this will be my last trip to see my friend Dan.
This is a great loss to the contesting community, ham radio, and the lives of many. To those of you who have expressed condolences and inquired about the services, I say thank you. There are no words that can describe Dan. But I believe the post from John WA2GO sums Dan up eloquently and concisely. John is one of the KL7Y contest group who also went to Hawaii for Dan's last contest.
A kinder, more generous gentleman you will not find anywhere. Dan was Alaska's amateur radio ambassador to the world, was a great elmer, a great technician, a first class operator, and a touchingly benevolent person. He happily shared his station and his skills with anyone who wished to be blessed with his company. He had no secrets, no skeletons, no "bad" side. I loved that guy, and I will miss him for the rest of my life. He will live on as an inspiration to anyone who knew him.
73 Danno,
Dan was a levi and tshirt kind of guy. The family will be burying him in his favorite attire. Anyone who can attend the services please know that casual attire is appropriate.
Email condolences:
Funeral services:
Congdon Funeral Home
3012 Sheridan
Zion, IL
Wake: Friday November 8th between 5:00p . 8:00p
Funeral: Saturday November 9th at 10:00a
Dinner after Interment
Daniel K Robbins Memorial fund:
c/o Bridgeview Bank
11411 West Wadsworth Road
Beach Park, IL 60099
Cards or flowers:
His Mother:
Arlene Robbins
2202 Lydia Av
Zion, IL 60099-2038
His very long time girlfriend:
Linda McKinney
6204 235th Av
Salem, WI 53168
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KL7VE on November 4, 2002
I can't believe he's gone. He's my neighbor just down the street, literally, and my coworker as well. I just was talking with him at work before I left on a business trip. I was going to see if I could pry off the Rohn 25 work platform from where it is wedged on one of his towers, and maybe borrow his gin pole for some tower work I need to do. I was going to stop by again this week or next week just to talk about stuff, like recruiting new hams, working with the Boy Scouts, just ham stuff. Suddenly he's gone.
I read the various comments, and they're all true. Dan is (was?) a kind and gentle man, the epitome of amateur skill and courtesy, and a wonderful neighbor. I have my memories of time spent with him--putting the top sections of Rohn 55 up on his 140' tower; working some rare contacts; showing kids around his ham shack with the attached kitchen and bathroom; just talking at work and at home--but there will be a big gap left in our communities. The rest of us will have to stretch to fill even little parts of it.
73 and best wishes as you journey to your new Country. KL7Y de KL7VE, Godspeed OM
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by bd5rv on November 4, 2002
Dan's signal was also loud here. I worked him in many many contests...My condolences to his family. RIP
Michael Chen,BD5RV/4 Nanjing, China
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by W4EF on November 4, 2002
Very very sad news. Rest in peace "Seven Yankee".
Mike, W4EF.................................
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by K9QQ on November 4, 2002
The news of Dan's passing was tough. Seems like I had just shaken his hand and left him in his element, running Europeans on 20 meters shortly after midnight Saturday morning. I certainly haven't known him longer, or better, than many of you. However, I know the contesting community has suffered a great loss. First, I want to offer my sincere simpathy to Linda and his family for their immense loss. Second, I share the sadness of the hams in Alaska, and here in Hawaii, who I know suffer greatly with the sudden loss of a great friend and elmer. I quickly knew Dan was one those hams who truely exemplifies the hobby. I first met him when I joined the KH7R team, operating my first multi-multi contest at KH7R in Oct 1998. Three years later, I found myself in Anchorage on business and gave Dan a call. He invited me up to his station in Wasilla and we spent 4 hours discussing his station, operating, and ham radio in Alaska, and ended up with plans for me to join his multi-multi crew for CQWW SSB that year. As WA2GO said, he had "no secrets, no skeletons" ... he shared everything. The 9/11 attack prevented me from making the trip that year, but I knew there was always of seat available if my travels every found me in Anchorage again on a contest weekend. Guys, we've suffered a great loss. As twisted as it sounds in today's world, we should all remember Dan every time we turn on the rig for another contest weekend.
73, es Peace of the Lord be with you Dan!
Brian K9QQ/KH6
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KØCS on November 4, 2002
Our hobby has lost one of it's best human assets with the passing of KL7Y. He will obviously be missed, but more importantly, he will not be replaced in our memories, because he was truly unique and handled his role as "ZONE 1" to perfection.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by K1VR on November 4, 2002
Two years ago, I flew from Boston to Anchorage to operate a contest with Dan and the crew. He picked me up in town, and hosted me for the weekend. He just couldn't have been nicer to a complete stranger.
On Friday, before the contest began, I climbed one of the towers and he took a digital picture of me. That picture is now on the front cover of my book entitled Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur (the picture can also be found at www.antennazoning.com). Obviously the trip meant a lot to me, as I could have used any of a number of other pictures, but chose to use the one taken in Wasilla.
It was a privilege to know Dan. I will miss him greatly. We will all miss him greatly.
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by CT1BOP on November 4, 2002
Big loss. My first KL7 in 1981.
A fantastic contest. God bless You, Dan.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KL7SIX on November 4, 2002
Way to go Dan! Riding a Harley and contesting in Hawaii at KH7R. I can't think of a more fitting end to a wonderful guy, if there had to be an end so soon. I can't bear to think about it. All you had to do was wear a helmet big guy! Sadly missed from your near neighbour the other Steve from Wasilla AK from 1997-1999. Happy Trails Dan. http://members.datafast.net.au/electronics/KL7Y.jpg
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by vk2cz on November 4, 2002
I also extend my thoughts to Dan's family and Linda. Having qso'ed with Dan during the CQWW, the element of loss is clear. We never met face to face, but that doesn't lessen the loss.
I guess we all have to have a eyeball QSO with Marconi one day.
Thoughts.. David Burger VK8AA (also VK2CZ)
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KH7U on November 5, 2002 Dan was vacationing in Hawaii. He loved to come here, participate in a contest from KH7R (in shorts and no shirt - no less, something he certainly couldn't do at home) and spend some time on the other beautiful islands. This time was no exception. After a great effort at KH7R, contesting stories in the off hours and several meals off the "barbee", Dan traveled to the Big Island of Hawaii to visit others and relax. As he worked for Raytheon, he decided to visit one of their sites located there. He told his boss on the phone that he was going to rent a motorcycle and see the crew. Apparently, he was on the way back over the winding S-curves of the upper highway between Waimea and Kona. I presume Dan may have been traveling in the clouds or possibly patches of rain at those heights. I can only conclude that unfamiliarity with the equipment, road and conditions added up to a disastrous combination. He was not wearing a helmet.
We who knew him and enjoyed this last opportunity to radio contest with him are still in shock. Surely it couldn't happen to him! Dan was always the friendly and helpful guy. With great knowledge of running a Multi-Multi effort from his own station in relatively rare Zone 1. We all benefited from his presence and contributions. I had the opportunity to visit him and stay at his house / station on a hill in Wasilla, Alaska. His station showed the typical simplicity and ingenuity that amateur's show when "home-brewing" a large station without spending a fortune. I loved his concept of mowing the tall grass around his towers...flatten them with his pickup when he turns around. Hey, it worked. From his inverted Rubbermaid tub to cover some switching arrangements to his old mobile van outside the house (the one with more growing in it than in his driveway), Dan's cedar home 'spoke' ALASKA the last frontier of our country.
With his white hair and mustache he always looked the part of his well-loved demeanor, the friendly and kind gentleman. I am sure that the many people who knew him, had the opportunity to work him and operate with him will agree. Though I never envied him working on his towers (brrrrr - cold) compared to the weather at KH7R, I wish I had been able to spend more time getting to know him better in his element.
Dan, whatever station you're going to operate from up there...I hope it has the beauty of the Northern Lights, the balmy weather of Hawaii, the propagation of the Caribbean or HC8 (that we both long for) and all the 'rate' you can handle. We will all miss you for you left us far too soon. Don't forget to talk to us on 80 and 160 when it seems only KL7Y and KH7R are on in the Pacific in the middle of the night (we need to keep each other awake). Safe journey.
Aloha, 73 Kimo Chun, KH7U (one of the gang at KH7R)
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by VU2PTT on November 5, 2002
We will miss you. I always remember looking for KL7Y for Zone 1 over the years and we will truly miss you. RIP and God Speed.
Prasad VU2PTT.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by g4vgo on November 5, 2002
I heard of the accident and checked my logs from the 1980's. Sure enough, KL7Y was my 160 DXCC credit for Alaska back in 1985. Another log search and KL7Y was my Alaska QSO for 160 DXCC from EI7IU in 1998. Looked up both cards, and both had a long and personal message, not forms and RST's. Like K1MEM and KV4AA, a real ham's ham and proudly on my list of Top Band DXCC credits.
RIP, 73
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by AA6DX on November 6, 2002
Absolutely stunned . .. Danno was one of my "nemesis" Amateur Radio operators, someone, through many years, I tried to emulate, in both operating and equipment expertise. CW -- wish I could do that mode NEARLY as well as he.. AND .. KL7Y was a "beacon", along with KL7AF (SK), to where the band was going when I was contesting from California, etc.... and, when I was doing it from Alaska, hoped the "Yankee" openings on the band(s) would be showing in the Fairbanks area soon. 73, OM .. es .. 599 03 ...
Maybe we shall meet on "top band" -- SK Mark -- AA6DX (op, KL7RA, 2 years /KL7)
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by uxØll on November 6, 2002
Dan was a great person and famouse contester. We regularly worked Kilo Lima Seven Yankee and always nice to get a new mult during the contests.We'll miss you.My condolences to the Dan's family. 599-16 and 73 Dan
Alex/UXØLL and UT7L contest team
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by dl3naa on November 6, 2002
Very sad news! He was always very good listening also for QRP-stations and it was a pleasure to have hin in the log during many contests.
My big sympathy to all his family and his friends all over the world.
Peter DL3NAA
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by s53r on November 7, 2002
It had been way back in the mid-seventies when I worked KL7Y as my first Zone 1 / KL7 (Camp Lonely, Alaska). Rest in peace Dan ......
Robert, S53R
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by EA9LZ on November 7, 2002
Good DX,s in the heaven, will miss a good friend.
para mi es mejor expresarme en españ descanse en paz gran amigo, best 73,s.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by YO3JR on November 8, 2002
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by kh7r on November 9, 2002
Those of us fortunate enough to have known Dan personally over the years will never be the same. I am still in a state of shock over this. When I look out the KH7R station window I see the guy wire he helped tension. When I look up the tower I see the antenna he helped raise. When I look at the 20m position I see him there trying to pull out contacts from a EU opening where no one can hear us. When I look at the plaques on the wall I see his call. Next to his own station he loved Hawaii and operating at KH7R. He loved working on everything from software, networking, tower and antenna work. He loved working with the crew and the crew loved working with him. Dan was a big part of the station always trying to improve its operation. He resolved a long standing problem with it a day before the contest. What I never had the opportunity to tell him was that he was the most important factor in my decision to resurrect the station and to build it to what it is today. We contested together in 1994 from Kwajalein as V7X in CQWW that year. The inspiration he gave me from that one event alone was enough start the ball rolling. In many ways I think he knew but I will never know and regret not having the chance to tell him. Those of us at KH7R will treat Dan as always being with us in the contests. He'll be the one to tell us when to QSY, to look for mults or to change bands. He'll continue to be the guiding light not only for us but for many others around the world.
R.I.P. Dan
Ken KH7R
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by df9cy on November 9, 2002
Thanks DAN for beeing my first KL7. Thanks for the time you shared with us. Farewell !
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by MMØBRG on November 9, 2002
To date, Dan was my one and only contact into Alaska from here in the West of Scotland, so I am very saddened to hear of his tragic and untimely passing. Thank you so much for that contact Dan, I'm glad that I got to talk to you. From a radio ham, and biker, Godspeed OM. Heartfelt condolences to Dan's girlfriend,family and friends.
Roger Harman, Kilwinning, Scotland.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by ve3vv on November 10, 2002
I was very sorry to hear about Dan`s death. I always looked forward to working him in a contest. He was a great operator and a gentleman.
73 Ted
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by N9AB on November 11, 2002
On behalf of Danâs family, thank you for your comments and condolences. It is very comforting to receive your thoughts and memories of Dan. The web pages were printed and available for viewing at Danâs wake and funeral. In addition, your kind thoughts were referenced during the service and a few of the comments were read aloud. The âham communityâ was very well represented, as several of Danâs friends traveled from out-of-state to pay their last respects and comfort the family.
Dan and I grew up together in the same town, and were first licensed at the same time in 1963. I have very fond memories of Danâs early construction projects, tower climbing, and contesting. I can recall our early novice days using home brew crystal controlled transmitters. Dan had a Knight Kit Span Master regenerative receiver that drifted if he moved his hand from the tuning knob. Once in our youth, Dan helped me carry an assembled 15-meter beam over three miles to my QTH. We walked down the middle of the back streets, and headed for the safety of someoneâs lawn if a car approached. We often did tower work together for elderly or disabled hams. We were happy to get the experience and were delighted to receive an old roll of RG-8 coax in return for our services. Working on a tower with Dan was always an âinterestingâ experience, filled with Danâs humor and antics. I also remember Danâs early contesting days. We formed a ânon-clubâ group and operated several field days together. Throughout each contest, Dan would keep notes on improvements, which would be implemented the following year. Later in life, when Dan moved to Alaska, I always took pride when I referred my âcousin in Alaskaâ, the DXâer and Contester.
73 Andy N9AB
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KH6ND on November 12, 2002
Daniel K. Robbins - KL7Y
Truly one of the finest men that I've ever known. In addition to this, a world class radio man. How lucky can I be to have called this man my friend? If I have ever known anyone on this planet that had earned the right to a long and happy life, it was he. My faith in a well ordered universe has been soundly shaken.
Near the end of the 2002 WPX SSB contest, KL7Y called our 20 meter station operator and set up a sked for 0015 zulu so that we could talk to our longtime friend, post contest. Dan had operated from here as a key member of our Multi-Mutli efforts on more than one occasion, was always a huge asset to the team, and was instantly well liked by all that had come in contact with him. He was elated when we told him that we had just met our goal of decisively breaking the Oceania WPX SSB M/M record, even though we had a very minimal crew.
The discussion then centered around the fact that Ken, KH7R, would very likely be passing on this historic site to a new owner sometime in the near future. I remember Dan's exact words.... "We should all get together for one last hurrah in the CQ WW Phone." The seed was planted, and how could any of us have known how terribly prophetic these words, as it turned out, were to become?
Six weeks later, I asked some of the SMC'ers at Dayton if any were interested in making a return journey to Hawaii to attempt what would most likely be the last opportunity of this cycle to break the CQ WW SSB Oceania Multi-Multi record. This same group of guys had been part of the team that had actually broken this record in '99, but not by enough to stand as a new record after log checking. All of the crew from '99 responded with a resounding "YES!", and the die was cast.
As the summer progressed, we worked through confirmations and cancellations from various ops, for various reasons, but when the final call was put out, we had 9 confirmed. Unfortunately, Ken, KH7R, would be unable to join us, but graciously agreed to let us proceed in his absence. In this regard, KH7R and KL7Y have always been two of a kind. remarkably generous hosts. Dan, as he had done in the past, planned his vacation around the contest, arriving the weekend before, and planning a return to KL7 the weekend after.
Dan showed up to meet me at the station as planned on Wednesday morning prior to the contest to start configuring the network, and setting up operating positions. The first thing I asked Dan to do upon his arrival was to help me move the picnic table into the garage that would be our dining area. I told him, 'we'll keep things a bit less comfortable when they eat, no television, no shag carpet, only operating and sleeping'. Dan smiled an approving smile, and we moved the table. The rest of the day went as smooth as silk. With Dan's capable help, we got the network talking quickly, and some needed tower work done as well. This is the most memorable and enjoyable day I had ever spent with Dan. We got a great deal more accomplished than I could have hoped for, and had a lot of fun doing it. Just after dark, the UPS man showed up with the amplifier that we were expecting back from the repair shop, and a component for the security system that needed replacing. That night, KH7U and AH6OZ came up with two carloads full of equipment, and the four of us went into Haleiwa town for pizza..
The next day, Dan and I picked up where we'd left off. We started setting up all of the operating positions with radios, amplifiers, bandpass filters, stubs, did a bit more network and software configuration, and more antenna work.. When K9PG and K9NW arrived on Thursday afternoon with WA2GO and WL7E in tow, we had the majority of the setup done. We all looked forward to the coming battle. Thursday night, the six of us made the journey to Haleiwa town for some Mexican cuisine. Dan has never been shy about saying .I don't miss many lunches.. from what I've seen, he never missed many dinners either. The man loved to eat, and we all had a truly enjoyable pre-contest dinner, knowing that the coming weekend held only the promise of grilled hot dogs at best.
On Friday, all but 2 of us were on site by 2200 zulu. Kimo, KH7U would arrive after his workday with all of our provisions for the weekend, and Brian, K9QQ/KH6 would arrive after work as well. I had distributed printouts of the rate sheets from our .99 effort as our barometer, and Dan and I decided to go with 2 hour shifts, at least to start out.
Starting time is at 2 PM local in Hawaii, with 20 meters all but useless for the first hour here at this point on the globe. 20 doesn't start cooking here until several hours into the contest, so I had asked Dan to take the second shift on 20 to take advantage of his unparalleled ability to handle the European pileups, complete with the severe polar flutter that normally occur from here, and from KL7, where most of his experience lay. Dan, in his typical agreeable fashion, concurred with this plan.
An unforeseen problem with the 15 meter station had us all scrambling for the last half hour prior to the start, but we managed to arrive at a workable solution, and the battle was on. Our 10 and 15 meter operators had identical first hours of 357, with 59 Q's on 20 meters, a great start on all 3 bands. We were ahead of the .99 pace. By 0500z we were 300 Q's ahead of the .99 effort, very encouraging indeed. Then, at the end of the 0500 hour, we found ourselves behind .99. No 10 and 15 meter long path openings, as in .99, and terrible low band conditions took their toll on us. The coronal hole had done it's despicable deed. For the remainder of the first day, and into the second, no matter how hard we fought, we slipped slowly, and painfully, further behind. Then, as darkness fell on the second night, we started to regain some ground. The low bands were much better, and it appeared there was still a glimmer of hope, if we pushed hard all night long. And push hard we did. By the time I finally took sleep at 1600z of the second day, we needed a Sunday morning with long duration openings to Europe on all bands to pull out a new record. After a very long night, I retired, with KL7Y still hammering away on 20 meters, and two fresh SMC'ers up and ready to tackle the higher bands. If the propagation Gods were to be with us, I knew we were in the best of hands...
When I awoke at 1900z, although we had regained even more ground, a new record was an impossibility. The long, strong, polar openings that we had needed hadn't materialized. We could all take satisfaction in the knowledge that we had pressed hard all weekend to set up a good Sunday, but it was not to be. I would have loved nothing better than to have set a new record during the last contest of KL7Y's tenure in this world, but perhaps, after all is said and done, an even more fitting tribute to him is that Danno never gave up, kept pressing without regard as to the likelihood of achieving the goal, and never once thought about throwing in the towel. This is the mark of a world class contestor, and, in this case, a world class human being.
Shortly after the end of the contest, while most of crew were in the garage barbecuing, and watching game 7 of the World Series, KL7Y was inside working on the logs. We had experienced a brief RF problem with the 80 meter keyboard corrupting a few callsigns during the second night. Dan's tireless nature kept him inside for the first hour or two of the game addressing this problem, and he stayed at it until the log was finalized. Thank you, Dan.
That evening, all but KH6ND made the trek to Haleiwa for dinner, with KL7Y and WL7E being the only ones returning to the station to stay the night. I deeply regret not having been up to joining them for this last dinner.
Immediately upon awakening on Monday morning, with only KL7Y, WL7E, and KH6ND still on site, Dan's first words were, 'let's get this thing installed for Ken!' as he cut open the UPS box containing the security system component that had been delivered Wednesday night prior to the contest. We got it installed and working in short order, and after a few handshakes and farewells, Dan jumped into his car and headed for the airport, and the big island of Hawaii, to enjoy the final leg of his vacation. This was the last time he was seen by his friends here on Oahu.
An irreplaceable friend, mentor, and resource has been lost to all of us. Not only to those of us that had the good fortune to know him personally, but to so very many that knew him distantly. I would never attempt to describe Dan in only one word, but if I had to describe him in two words, 'tireless generosity' are among the first that come to mind.
Treasure those that are close to you. savor the time that you have together. stick a camera in the face of someone that you care about. life is precious, fragile, and unpredictable.
Strive to be more like those that you admire, respect, and love. This is how I plan to keep Dan's memory a daily part of my life.. I have a long way to go.
I could say rest in peace, but it seems to me quite likely that Dan may already be well into working on his next project, in a place that some of us, if we live as unselfishly as Dan did, may catch up with him when our time comes.
Fondest aloha, and only the best for you, Danno.
You've earned it.
Mike - KH6ND
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by k7joe on November 12, 2002
Condolences to Dan's family.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by K9JF on November 16, 2002
I had the pleasure of meeting Dan at the Anchorage Hamfest in September. We made arrangements to meet the following Wednesday when we came back from Fairbanks. Unfortunately, he was on the road and not able to meet.
I'll remember the many QSO's with him in contests and other operating events. His big signal will be missed by all of us.
73 OM & Godspeed
Jim K9JF
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by KØAV on November 19, 2002
I first met Dan in the summer of 1978 at an ARRL Convention in Anchorage. We had both just moved to Alaska the month or so before, and were interested in the same technical topic on the convention program: radio propagation through the auroral zones. I had just received my new AL7H call-sign while he was still WA9IXF/KL7. Within about six months he would become KL7Y.
I learned that Dan's original interest had been astronomy, having his first telescope at age nine. He continued to build on this interest. Propagation and auroral phenomena were just extensions of his study of astronomy and astrophysics. For Dan, astronomy was far more than just knowing the names of planets, stars and constellations. He looked at the night sky much differently than most people - not as twinkling dots - but rather great questions: some which had answers and some for which did not.
His perspective obviously had a way of humbling him. He knew man's very small place in the big scheme of things.
I think this is why Dan was so open, honest, straightforward, approachable and why he had a genuine interest in everyone he encountered.
Good DX'ing ol' Dozo Dan -- CUL
Alan KØAV ex-AL7H
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by RV9UP on November 28, 2002
I remember his voice since first SWL experiense at more than 20 years ago, than QSO's...
We'll remember your voice, Dan. We'll remember forever.
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by NØAX on December 2, 2002
Previous comments are right - there definitely was something missing from November this year and that was KL7Y. What a tough loss...Dan, your friends will always carry your memory fondly.
73, Ward NØAX
KL7Y dies in motorcycle accident by ad5q on December 10, 2002
I first met Dan in 1966. I knew him as WA9IXF, and I was WA9MFX - actually very similar calls. We were both college freshmen majoring in physics at an engineering school on Chicago's near south side. He was among the dozen or so friends I hung with throughout college, and we shared several classes until I switched into math & computers. Though he did sell me my first all-band SSB rig (a used HT-37), our common hobby was hardly a factor in the friendship. I do remember he expressed an interest in contesting, but at the time we had hardly any experience at all. I did my first Field Day at a park in his home town of Zion IL.
This guy was funny, and he was quite the prankster type - but that was so long ago. We graduated and went our (very) separate ways, and got new callsigns at our new homes. I don't remember how I figured out that he was KL7Y, but do remember hearing DL1RK working him on 40 CW. I couldn't copy him, and he didn't know me as AD5Q yet. I had the DL move him to 20 SSB where we had propagation. He has been finding me ever since, on whatever band.
I regret that we haven't actually met since graduating college, and we've both grown a lot. I do know that you would have to be a local to really know him as a contester and DX'er. I always felt we would meet up again, especially since Alaska is high on my list of places to eventually visit - but he won't be there. The reunion will never happen.
Roy - AD5Q