Richard G. 'Rick' Abshier
Fernandia Beach, FL
QCWA # 26411
My first "real" radio was a Hallicrafters S-120 purchased in 1966 from Allied Radio in Chicago. With that, I became an SWL with the Popular Electronics Magazine call: WPE9IQX. I enjoyed listening to short wave stations, sending reception reports, and receiving QSL cards. But I wanted to get on the air!
I was first licensed in 1968 as WA9ZYG with a Technician License, a Heathkit Twoer, and an 11-element Cush Craft beam. Soon after, I upgraded to Advanced class and added a Heathkit HW-100 to the station. The HF antenna was an inverted V with a Drake MN-4 Tuner.
Later, I replaced the HW-100 with a Kenwood TS-830S, an HQ-1 mini-quad, and a vertical. Eventually, a Commodore computer system was added along with a PAKRATT 232 for the digital modes.
The station didn't change much until 2005 when I finally upgraded to Extra as KF9SQ. Soon after that, my family and I moved to Florida, and I changed my call to KQ4Y. The primary rig until 2023 was an Icom 706MKIIG which replaced a whole desk full of equipment in a tiny package.
But, limited antenna space and a noisy location encouraged me to move to remote operation using Remote Ham Radio in early 2023. I now have access to more than 20 stations!
ARRL Life Member, Florida Contest Group, North Florida Amateur Radio Society, 10-X (31182), QCWA (26411), Feld Hell Club (2265), NAQCC (3307), FISTS (11972), 30MDG (3624), Digital Modes Club (3036), FT8 Digital Mode Club (1786).
February 23, 2023