Joel A. Block
Rockport, TX
QCWA # 36863
Chapter 38
Greetings from Texas! After living under the grey skies of the Seattle area for years or freezing in Montana for years before that, I've made the move from the north country to Texas to see the sun and warm up. (this gettin' old is for the birds!)
I moved to Rockport, TX just over a year ago, and love getting back to "small town USA"! Our house isn't under any antenna restrictions, but it's a neighborhood filled with trees that are perfect for hanging wire antennas, so I choose to remain "stealthy" for now. I have a G5RV that is reaching anyone I can hear, so I'm not in a hurry to "plant iron".
In the past, antenna issues kept me off the air in our previous QTH, but I fooled the locals and built a very nice flagpole in the front yard that the homeowners didn't seem to mind. I just didn't tell them that it had a Hustler Vertical ham antenna inside the pvc pipe I used for the project! It's great to be back on the air!
Hope to see you on the radio!
October 30, 2015