Harry L. Vaught
Watkinsville, GA
QCWA # 38268
First Call: KE4ZSY issued in 1995
Sorry about the picture. "Why aren't you smiling?", my wife asked. I said, "That is a smile". At least I thought I was smiling. The picture is from our old QTH in Maryville, Tennessee, anyway and one of these days I'll put up a new picture. Maybe I'll Photoshop a smile.
As with so many, I have had a lifelong love of radio and audio but didn't become licensed until '94 after finding a Hallicrafters SX-16 in an antique store in Lenoir City, TN during a visit to my wife's family.
Nothing against modern equipment, but I only have vintage tube-type gear, all Hallicrafters except for a Ranger. I'm sure this is because my dad only wanted two things that I can remember: a Martin guitar and a Hallicrafters of some kind. My son has the Martin and the S-40A is long gone.
Equipment is: Hallicrafters HT-44/SX-117, HT-32/SX-101A, Ranger/SX-100, SX-71, SX-16, S-20R and some vintage Marantz, NAD, Hafler and Dynaco stereo gear.
I QSL 100%, direct or eqsl. SWL's welcome.

May 17, 2020