William W. 'Bill' Davidson Jr
Hoover, AL
QCWA # 28768
Chapters 227 & 84
I am a retired electrical engineer who took up this hobby in 1969. I held all of the license classes - Novice (WN4QIQ), Technician (WA4FYC), General and Advanced before going to Atlanta and taking the Extra exams (CW and written) in 1981 when I became licensed as KW4J. I am a member of QCWA, TenTen, Fists, SKCC and several local radio clubs, including the Birmingham Amateur Radio Club (BARC) and the Shelby County Amateur Radio Club (SCARC). I was president of BARC and SCARC twice each. In addition, I am invovled with the BirminghHamFest and the Helena HamFest, which are held annually on March and October repectively.
I have a ARRL WAS and DXCC awards as well as eWAS with several endoresements.
I like to work digital modes (PSK and RTTY) mostly, although recently I have been doing a lot of CW. Ten meters is also a favorite, especially when the band is open. However, I tend to work a lot of 17M phone when I am mobile
My modest radio station includes two independent HF locations:
- KW TS-590S with an Ameritron ALS-600 solid state amplifier and an in-line MFJ Versa Tune III. The Versa Tuner is usually bypassed unless the ALS-600 is being used.
- ICOM IC-718 is the packup position, although I use it a lot. The IC-718 is connected to an Ameritron ALS-500M amplifier via MFJ-994B autotuner.
Antennas presently include:
- A ground mounted DX Engineering 43ft vertical with a MFJ-994BRS at its base. The16 buried radials are each 33feet long.
- A ten meter 3 element yagi is temporarily mounted on the side of the house, but it works great!
- A G5RV 80 Meter version is strung across the back yard
- A six meter Ringo Ranger is sitting on top of the radio shack, which is detached from the house.
- I have 40ft of Rohn 25G ready to go up with a 3 Element tribander, rotor, etc. waiting installation. I have not yet found that 'Round Tuit' needed to complete the project.
I also have a lot of UHF/VHF equipment.
- ID-800H for DStar operation. (I monitor K4DSO whenever I am in the shack)
- FT-2900 2M for local nets and emcomm backup
- FT-1900 2M in the game room
- Alinco 225H 220MHz xcvr, used mainly to connect with the local EMA's during emcomm conditions and training.
- I have many hand held uhf/vhf xcvrs, as I like to toy around with them. Included in the mix are
- KW D-72A which is a really good APRS unit, especially with its digipeating capability
- ID-51A DStar capable handy is fun to play with, especially with its GPS ability to find the closest DStar repeaters.
- I am a sucker for the new Chinese radios, and I have several including a 2M/220MHzunitfor local emcomm capability.
I have two GoKits which are complete HF radio stations, including power supplies, antennas, SignaLink interfaces - KW TS-50S with autotuner and IC-703. I use these mostly for Field Day and traveling, but they are great emcomm stations. One provided the Red Cross with their only communication link during a severe tornado event a few years ago.
I also have a F-150 Pickup with an IC-7000 and Tarheel Screwdriver (TurboTuner tuner). I have worked both locally and around the world with this unit. One time I even got into Indonesia on a rare opening!

March 4, 2015