Matthew J. 'Matt' Muckler
Louisville, KY
QCWA # 31000
Chapter 214
I've been a Ham since I was a Freshman in High School in 1974. My first call was WN4BHA, an old Novice call. The FCC changed that to WB4BHA when they did away with Novice calls a long time ago. I let my license lap when I was in college but retested and got a new call sign, KA4GUD when I got out of college.
I took the vanity call KY4M when I upgraded to Extra.
My ham shack is affectinately known as The KY4M Project. I can't put antennas up at my house because of deed restrictions so in 2005 I rented a small warehouse (man cave) where I have my station and enjoy other hobbies. I needed a name for the location so I call it The KY4M Project, taken from The Alan Parsons Project, one of my favorite musical groups.
My main rig is a Yaesu FT2000D running into a Cushcraft A3S on a 40 foot tower. I also have a Kenwood TM790A All Mode VHF/UHF Rig with a 2 Meter and 440 Beam on the tower. I have numerous HTs and Mobile Rigs and change them around frequently.
I have been a regulur at the Dayton Hamvention for over 20 years now. I go with a group of 5 or 6 friends and we take a trailer full of boat anchors to sell every year. We buy lots of new toys each year, play with them for a year, bring them back to Dayton to sell, and then buy new toys. Our flea market space is primarily for us to have somewhere to hang out and socialize. We rent 3 spots each year, 1524, 1525, and 1526. We go on Thursday and come home on Sunday. We enjoy good meals and commaraderie and love to sit and talk with other hams. Look for us under the Kentucky flag and stop by for a visit.
I am a member of the Bullit Amateur Radio Society (BARS Club) in Louisville Kentucky and I'm a Lifetime member of the Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club (in my hometown of Glasgow, Kentucky), the ARRL, and the QCWA.
Other hobbies include Mäin Digital Model Railroading, BMW Motorcycling, Astronomy, Geneology, and regular travel to Germany.
I am an executive in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
I live in Louisville with my wife Sarah and we have one daughter, Alex, also in Louisville.
Check out The KY4M Project on Facebook!
October 08, 2015