Robert E. 'RB' Boone
Bradenton, FL
QCWA # 27151
Hello. The name here is RB (just the two initials: RB). RB is a nickname that I have gone by since childhood. Sometimes, however, I may have to resort to giving my name as Rob, especially on CW when the conditions are difficult, but I do prefer the name RB.
Here is a little background information about me and my involvement in this truly magical hobby.
In 1970 I was bitten hard by the ham radio bug. I had just turned 15 years old, and I was attending Manatee High School here in Bradenton, Florida. My first callsign was WN4TDG, and the equipment I used back then was an Eico 720 transmitter (crystal controlled, of course), and the receiver was an Allied 2516-J. For antennas I used a Gotham three-element 15m yagi, as well as a variety of wire configurations. From day one I was totally hooked!
Jumping ahead to 1978, I married the former Linda Gartley, who from the very beginning, has been extremely supportive of me and this hobby, even though she has never had much interest in ham radio herself. We have two grown children, Jessica and Jason, and we also have several (too many) cats.
I guess my main claim to fame is that I am a direct descendant of the famous American frontiersman Daniel Boone. He was my grandfather several generations ago.
My wife Linda and I have both been teaching at our alma mater, Manatee High School, since 1982. Linda teaches Spanish, and I teach English and German.
Also in 1982, I obtained my Extra class ticket, and my main interest has been operating from various DX locations as well as working DX from around the world.
I have held, or still do hold the following callsigns: WN4TDG in Bradenton, Florida; WN4FNH in Bradenton, Florida; WB4FNH in Bradenton, Tampa, Venice, and Lakeland, Florida; AB4FNH in Bradenton, Florida; ZF2BR on Grand Cayman Island; WB4FNH/VE in Ontario, Canada; WB4FNH/8 in West Branch, Michigan; WB4FNH/P on the Dry Tortugas islands (IOTA NA-079); DL/WB4FNH in Munich, Germany; WB4FNH/OE3 in Klosterneuburg, Austria; V47FNH on the island of St. Kitts; V47FNH on Nevis Island; ZF2BB (my newer call) on Grand Cayman Island; and now KZ4ZZ here in Bradenton, Florida.
I have been the QSL manager for VK3CAT, HS0ZCY, BV2/AA4XR, and 4U1VIC for my operations at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria.
I am the past president of the Manatee Amateur Radio Club, as well as the former trustee of the club callsign K4GG. Additionally, I served two terms as president of the Florida Westcoast DX Ring here on the central west coast of Florida.
Some of my antennas (before hurricanes came through and did a bit of damage) included a KLM KT-34XA at 100 feet, a Cushcraft A3WS WARC band beam just above the KT-34XA at 107 feet, and a KLM two-element 40M yagi at 88 feet. Unfortunately, all of those antennas will have to be replaced. But to get me through until I can replace the larger antennas, I put up a two-element, six-band quad on another tower, as well as several miscellaneous wire antennas on a third tower.
I am a life member of both the ARRL and QCWA, and I have my 5BDXCC, 5BWAZ and DXCC #1 plaques hanging on my radio room wall - all of which I am very proud.
I am quite active on an almost daily basis, and I enjoy and use SSB and CW equally. My current country count on SSB is 346, and on CW it is 339. Here is a band by band breakdown as of August 10th, 2011: 10m/296; 12m/244; 15m/334; 17m/305; 20m/346; 30m/282; 40m/323; 80m/234; and on 160m/84. Whenever you hear me on the air, please give me a shout!
Best 73 es good DX!!! RB, KZ4ZZ
April 1, 2015