Barry M. Miller
Seymour, MO

QCWA # 39255

Visit Barry's QRZ page for more details and pictures: https://www.qrz.com/db/N0ENH

Welcome to the Radio Page of N0ENH

Barry M. Miller has been an active amateur radio operator since 1975 when he received his first call sign WN0RBZ. Over the years, he has held several call signs, including WB0RBZ and KD5VHP, before settling on the vanity call sign N0ENH in 2005.

Barry holds a General class license and has a rich history in radio operations. Though he may describe himself as "now senile and mostly cranky," his passion for amateur radio remains evident. He rarely uses voice on HF or VHF, preferring to be a casual operator.

Radios and Equipment

Barry's journey in amateur radio began with a Heath Kit DX-40 transmitter and a National NC-300 receiver in 1975. In 1976, he upgraded to the Heath Kit HW-16 with a VFO. His present station includes a Yaesu FT-710 as the main radio, a Yaesu FT-897 for VHF, and a Yaesu FT-817 for QRP operations.


His antenna setup includes a restored Cushcraft R-7 vertical at 30 feet, an end-fed antenna that is 148 feet long and 40 feet high through the trees, an Arrow 2m/70cm for ISS SSTV work, and a Hy-gain 10 element 144 MHz yagi.


Barry is also an enthusiast of telegraphy keys, with prized possessions such as a 1959 Blue Racer, a 1945 Blue Racer, and Stewart Johnson SPEED-X 1934-1937 Hi-Speed Keys.


His activities include participating in Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) events, occasional SSTV operations, QRP when possible, and tracking and receiving SSTV pictures from the International Space Station during their events.

In the 1980s, Barry did extensive QRP work using the Heath Kit HW-8. In 2016, he experimented with SSTV QRP for about three months using a Yaesu FT-817nd and a 20m dipole at 20 feet, which he found fascinating.

The farthest DX Barry has achieved is 8790 miles using 100 watts and a tri-band yagi at 35 feet.

Thank You for Visiting

For more details and pictures, please visit Barry's QRZ page: https://www.qrz.com/db/N0ENH.

Thank you for visiting! I hope you have many years of radio ahead. God bless you.