H Russell Smith
Webb City, MO
QCWA # 37804
First Call: NØQLT Other Call(s): WXØUFO
November Zero Quite Lousy Telegrapher
BARTG# 9163
ESSEX# 343
FISTS # 10503
NAQCC# 7932
QRP ARCI # 15824
SKCC# 1074
Note: I prefer paper QSLs, but LOTW /eQSL/QRZ is certainly fine.
Digital QSLs-- I upload ALL of my QSOs to LOTW and when I remember to, eQSL and QRZ. Feel free to send a card too, if you like, and I'll send one back! Unfortunately, if I owe you a confirmation from before 2011, I'm afraid all of my records are missing or have been destroyed in the Joplin, MO EF-5 Tornado.
I am an electrical engineer by day, writer/illustrator by night. My first book, Time Machines, Annoying Minotaurs, and Other Childish Pursuits was published in 2016. I am currently working on a novel and a follow-up to Time Machines. I also like to spend free time working on electronics projects and sometimes flying airplanes. I was blessed to spend the fall of 2017 out in beautiful New Mexico where I taught electronics at a university. It was a great experience.
Licensed since 1992 w/ same call. My rule is simple-- go where the DX is! ;) But you can also find me casually working contests, chasing certificates, and doing a little ragchewing, too!
I am most interested in DXing/QRP/Homebrewing. CW is my favorite mode, even if I'm not very good at it. I've been using Vibroplex and McElroy bugs on the air and even with tons of off the air practice, I'm just now starting to get the hang of it. Overall, I think I like the McElroy best. I still have a a soft spot in my heart for the venerable straight key, and sometimes switch back to my good old J-37s or J-38s. I really don't care too much for paddles and electronic keyers, but I think I will have to learn to use them anyway eventually.
I'm probably 60% CW/40% everything else. Although I'm still fairly new to them, I really enjoy all of the digital modes I've tried so far (RTTY/PSK-31/Hellschreiber/Olivia). I'd like to get started with the JT modes, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
If you need MO on any mode (including phone) or band I can currently work (40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 10m, and (with limited success and a tuner) 30m, and 12m) let me know and I'll be happy to set up a sked.
If you're a new Ham or even just new to HF or Morse Code and would like to try your hand at some CW, come on down! Be not afraid-- I'll go as slow as you need.
1. QRP ARCI 1000 Miles/Watt
2. eQSL eDX
3. ARRL WAS--Mixed/CW/Phone/RTTY/Digital/40m CW/40m Phone
4. ARRL Triple Play
5. ARRL DXCC--Mixed/CW
6. WAC

October 08, 2018