Dennis W. Mc Kinney
The Villages, FL
QCWA # 37264
Chapter 217

New Force12 FPA-20-OCF Flagpole antenna ( off center fed verticle dipole, no radials )LDG RT-100 and antenna installed Sept 2016. So far Im impressed. Ive had good luck working lots of JT65, JT9, SSB, RTTY, CW. I worked the 2016 JARTS RTTY contest, had lots of fun, and the antenna preformed well. The CQWW SSB 2016 I did very well and VERY happy with the results 80-10m. During the ARRL 10M contest 2016, conditions were very rough but still managed several countries and lots of states on SSB & CW. Barefoot 100w what a concept... :-) :-) updated Dec 13, 2016
As of Aug 7, 2015 I no longer have the tower or antenna stack. In preparation for our move to a new location, it will now be installed at another Hams QTH. Its been a great run having the ability to work lots of DX, and many contests over the years. See you in the next chapter and down the log. Starting my DXCC over from the beginning. :-) Best 73 and Good DX to all.
Licensed Since 1992
XYL:::::: Sharon KB0ZUQ - recieved her license 1997
I enjoy Contesting and DXing......160-6m........ SEE YOU ON THE BANDS..........
Im trying to get away from HUGE postal prices, so Im doing LOTW, EQSL.cc (AG) , QRZ.com , Clublog.org but if your needing confirmation of our contact some other way, just send it I'll figure it out... I have hand written log books from 1992-2009. I hope to get them into digital format someday.....??? :-) :-)
Im trying a new FT-817nd 5w (JT65, SSB, RTTY, PSK, WSPR)and (small verticle) Alpha Antenna 6-40 EZ-Military mounted at 11 feet above ground w/ two counterpoise radials standing on our deck for use on our RV, and so far I love it... It even tunes on 80m JT65 using LDG Z-817H tuner !!! :-) :-) Lots of DX and Domestic contacts in the log. http://www.amateurradiostore.com/
ALL ICED UP.... January 7, 2015
///// www.k4vrc.com ///// WWW.Force12inc.com //////
////// http://parkerradio.org/ /////////www.hamspots.net/jt9///// www.k1el.com/////
/////WWW.EQSL.cc///// WWW.ARRL.org/LOTW///// WWW.CLUBLOG.org/////
WWW.N3FJP.com///// http://jt65.w6cqz.org/index.html///// WWW.DXSUMMIT.fi /////
WWW.DXWATCH.COM ///// http://dx-code.org/ ///// physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/ /////
////// http://n1mmplus.hamdocs.com/tiki-index.php ///////
ALL CONTACTS WILL BE UPLOADED TO E-QSL.cc & LOTW & Clublog.org ////// E-QSL.cc sent @ end of qso. ////// LOTW & Clublog sent@ end of operating session. //////
PLEASE QSL WITH THE CALL YOU USED FOR OUR CONTACT. That is what my log reflects****************
I operate****** ( limited CW Im getting there..) SSB, RTTY, JT65A, JT-9, PSK-31 /63 /125, WSPR
IC-7600 / IC-7000 / FT-817 various HT's
Active on HF with IC-7600 HF-6m SSB/Digital ((( RV & Portable FT-817nd HF-70cm qrp. ))), IC-7000 Portable, HF/6m SSB?Digital, 2m SSB/Digital, 70cm SSB/Digital.
Amplifiers in reserve : Ten-Tec Titan 425 (2x 3cx800A7), Ameritron AL-811(3x 811A) Mirage 1016G (VHF) RF Concepts 4-110 (UHF)
Antennas: Force12 FPA-20-OCF Flagpole Antenna, OCF Attic Dipole 10-40m , Alpha EZ-Military 6-40, Various Hamsticks or Hustler antenna system used mobile. Also using Wilson A-99 portable...........
100WattsID #1559 /// NAQCC #5022 /// SKCC #11364
OMISS #5110 ///10x10 #72727 /// SIN #340 /// INDEXA ///
EPC #5648 /// DMC #1817 /// 30MDG #2195
Awards so far::: CQWW WPX 2012 SOHP 15m (cert)
CQWW SSB 2012 SOHP ALL Bands (cert)
WAC, DXCC ( ), CQWPX ( 952 count ), e-DX, e-WAS,
e-DX100 (159 confirmed), e-PFX300 (989 count ), e-WAZ,

January 07, 2017