NØYO - Donald R. Unruh NØYO

Donald R. Unruh
Halstead, KS

QCWA # 38063
Chapter 79

On direct QSL request please send return postage, SASE, US$ or 1 IRC. Without return postage I can not promise a return and all DX cards will be returned via GlobalQSL.com (buro).

I upload my logs at least monthly to LOTW. If you have not signed up for LOTW please check it out. I think you'll like it.

All Buro QSLs are sent via GlobalQSL.com

Do you need Kansas for your WAS or Harvey Co. for your USA-CA? If you do please drop me an email and we can set up a schedule. Who knows I just might need your state, county or country?

NØYO - Donald R. Unruh

July 31, 2019