N1CC - September 20, 2017
General Manager
March 2012 - December 2012
James F. 'Jim' Laporta
Frankston, TX
QCWA # 16841
James Francis LaPorta
December 9, 1941 - September 20, 2017
James Francis LaPorta, of Frankston, TX, received his angel wings on September 20, 2017, at age 75, after several months of struggling with an undiagnosed illness that was believed by some to be of neuromuscular origin, and the repeated failures of the current medical system in the US.
Known as 'Jim' to his friends, he was also known as 'N1CC' to the world of amateur radio operators, in which he was well known and much loved.
Jim was the elder of two sons, born in Redding, CA, on December 9, 1941, to Helen Frances (Barnett) and Francis George LaPorta. Following completion of high school in Redding (Class of .59), he attended University of Texas working toward a degree in Psychology, and then entered into active duty with the US Army in December, 1962, at Miami, FL. Following his last active duty assignment as a Morse Interceptor with 373d ASA Co (Armed Division) at Ft. Hood, Texas, he received an Honorable discharge in December, 1968, at the expiration of his 6-year Term of Active Service. He was certified as a Sharpshooter (Rifle) and a Marksman (Pistol), and also received the National Defense Service Medal, and the Good Conduct Medal. Following his term of active duty, he re-enlisted in the US Army Reserve duty for over 30 years, until his retirement at the rank of Command Sergeant Major, at which time he again received an Honorable Discharge.
At age 12, Jim earned his first license as an Amateur Radio Operator, which was a hobby that he loved, and in which he participated throughout the remainder of his life on earth. He was a well-known throughout the world for his life-long achievements in amateur radio contests. He taught Morse code to anyone who requested that skill from him, and loved teaching almost as much as he loved contesting. For the past 34 years, he also conducted a special radio operation at Christmas time, where he identified his N1CC call sign as .Number 1 Christmas Carol,. and was availabe to the children and grandchildren of other ham radio operators to talk about Santa and his trip from the North Pole to deliver all their gifts. He adored children, and particularly those who were interested in learning about amateur radio and Morse code.
Although Jim received his BA Degree in Psychology, his actual career developed on the basis of his amateur radio skills. He worked at Motorola as a Systems Engineer for many years, and also had stints with other telecomm companies, such as Cisco Systems, Pirelli, and Fujitsu. Following his career in the digital world, he retired briefly, to resume his ham radio activities, but in order to progress in the world of amateur radio contesting, he found the need for more financing for his hobby, so he became an insurance salesman affiliated with the National Agents Alliance, for approximately ten years, until he had to retire because of vision complications that limited his ability to drive at night. So for the last four years, he has devoted much of his time to his hobby, and has excelled in the area of contesting, where he has won many plaques and awards, most especially in QRP (low power transmitting). And for the last 12 years, he has lived either on or near one of the lakes in Texas, where he has enjoyed fishing with his wife and with his closest friends.
Jim is survived by his wife, Linda Wheeler LaPorta; his brother Don (Joyce) LaPorta; daughter DeAnna (Don) Salmon; son James Anthony LaPorta from a previous marriage; and his three grandchildren, Leyna Salmon, Benjamin Salmon, and Jaydon LaPorta.
There is nobody who was more demonstrably patriotic than CSM Jim LaPorta. He stood at attention in the living room during the playing of our National Anthem on TV, and during each annually televised Memorial Day Concert he stood up to .march. with the Army when they appeared.during the performance of the Salute to the Services. He deeply loved this country, and has served it well. He was one-of-a-kind, and will be sorely missed.
When arrangements are finalized, burial will be held at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA, and the date will be posted on this site as soon as it is scheduled.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Wounded Warriors project or other organization supporting veterans and their families.
Jim LaPorta was first licensed as KN6SXX in 1956, moving to K6SXX and Conditional Class the following year. Jim's "Elmer" Ted, W6FKI passed away in 2011. Following high school Jim joined the US Army. In 1962, while stationed in Florida he passed the Extra Class. He had been called in by the local FCC office for operating without upgrading to General, of course they apologized when they realized Jim was in the Army and stationed there as it was OK to be /4 in those days without license upgrade, only if you were in the military!
Jim became WAØISO when he transferred to Ft. Riley KS, shortly followed by a 3-year tour in Germany as DL4LA and back in the USA to become W5QGZ at Fort Hood, Texas. Jim left the Army to work for the Army as a civilian in 1968 in Mesquite Texas. Shortly after his becoming a "civilian" he met several of the QCWA folks, and later when he had his 25-years in license Ted, W5EJ sponsored Jim to QCWA.
While in the Dallas area Jim was president of the Dallas Amateur Radio Club, 1970-1972, a member of the Richardson Wireless Klub, provided ham radio classes at Buckner Baptist Children's Center, where one of his students was Jim Haynie, now W5JBP and a member of QCWA in his own stead. Jim also founded Flotilla 5-12 of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary - a unique communications unit - and took the project of making VHF-Marine emergency services available on all the myriad lakes within 50 miles of Dallas - more water surface than Long Island Sound!
Jim was also one of the early Storm Spotters in Dallas County RACES and was active in ARRL as the Route Manager for North Texas. In 1975 Jim received W5LA as his call sign. Attending college full time at night Jim formed the Amateur Radio Society at the University of Texas at Dallas, and graduated in 1977, by this time Jim was employed by the US Veterans Administration, as a Veterans Representative on Campus. Jim accepted a position at ARRL HQ in December 1977 and relocated to Connecticut.
On arrival in Newington, Jim's new and present call sign was waiting - N1CC. Jim was the "Deputy Communications Manager In Training", scheduled to replace Ellen W1YL when George W1NJM retired. Instead, Ellen chose to also retire and Jim left ARRL's employ to seek a job in Telecommunications. Moving to Western Connecticut where He was the Training Supervisor for Product Information at General DataComm for 3 years, before being hired away by Motorola (Codex) starting a 17-year career with Motorola.
During the Connecticut years Jim was active with the Yankee Clipper Contest Club (YCCC) and his time on the air was almost exclusively contesting. Seven years into Jim's time at Motorola he was promoted to be in charge of all major opportunities in state and local governments and relocated to Albany, NY where a major concentration of Motorola business existed. Jim became active in the Albany Amateur Radio Club, holding Director, Vice President, Editor, Webmaster, and Field Day Chairman Positions with the club. He maintained his activity with the YCCC, and as an operator for K2TR, K5NA/2 and other stations. Jim taught at Hudson Valley Community College teaching telecommunications part-time for seven years.
Retiring from Motorola in 1998 Jim relocated to South Carolina with Pirelli Optical Systems. Jim was active with the South East Contest Club and operated from NQ4I during several contests. Pirelli was acquired by Cisco Systems and Jim relocated to Richardson Texas in 2000. Jim was President of QCWA Chapter 41 for 2002-2004 and worked for Fujitsu Network Communications before relocating his home to Mabank Texas when his job was RIF. Jim is active with the North Texas Contest Club today, and has operated several times from AA5NT multi-single contest station. In 2004, Jim and his new wife Linda, NE5LL, became members of CERT in Coppell Texas.
Since 2006 Jim has been an Insurance Agent representing eighteen insurance providers. This "retirement gig" has allowed for travel and station enhancements above his "fixed income". Jim has made major improvements to his and Linda's station over the past two years.
Jim's wife Linda, NE5LL, is retired from the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, where she was Regional Manager for several facilities in SW Louisiana. She became a ham in 2004, by going from not knowing Morse Code to Extra Class in 18-hours at HamCom. Linda prefers operation on the digital modes, while Jim enjoys CW and SSB operation.
New 2011 station layout is pictured. Details of the Force-12 C3 put into operation in July 2011 are located on the Chistmas Carol Link 2011 page in a PDF that you can view. This year's Christmas Carol is #32 as a Special Event -- the new antenna system in place is a Force-12 C3 at 40 feet, Alpha-Delta DX-LB in inverted vee configuration, apex at 38' ends at 20' and the DX Engineering 43' Vertical with Remote Tuner at the base and 32 radials. On 80 and 40 I will shift between the Inverted Vee and Vertical, as different results due to propagation will show one working better than the other.
I have been operating from Mabank, Henderson County, Texas since November 2005. My website shows current station configuration and activities.
In 2012, with the fantastic assistance of Linda NE5LL, I was contracted as the General Manager of QCWA. Many accomplishments leading to better control of QCWA materials and methods of operation were the joint result of Linda NE5LL helping me, and terrific support from Bob, N0UF. However, the position was extremely stressful and led to my resignation effective at the end of 2012. As a result of that stress, according to my Cardiologist, Open Heart Surgery (Aortic Valve Replacement and three bypasses) was required in February 2013. The recommendation was also made that we needed to get a replacement QTH that was safer for a recovering cardiac patient. We moved to Frankston, Texas in July 2013.
Once in Frankston, Linda and I began to build a world-class contest station. 2014 was a good year for operations from both N1CC and NE5LL. Our accomplishments indeed show that our work towards building the world-class station for our hobby are working.
During 2014, N1CC operated in many events, in particular, the ARRL Centennial Challenge, becoming the #2 station in the USA, #5 in the world for that event. Please note that was done with a mix of QRP and 100 Watt power levels. During the year I made mostly Centennial QSOs: 31,213, Other QSOs: 13,257 Total QSOs: 44,470 as N1CC. Total qualifying QSOs were 28,883 for final Challenge Points: 202,661. As well, 4,879 QSOs (W1AW/5 and NE5LL Calls) 2014 Total for QTH: 49,349 Contacts!
We support our hobby on the air, where the support and good operating need to be. Placed very well in all events, such as the 2013 and 2014 California QSO Party, placing in the top 20 world and winning Texas. For the 2013 and 2014 ARRL 10 Meter Contest operated QRP and both years was #2 in the USA and #1 West Gulf Division and North Texas.
2015 will be the 36th running of the Christmas Carl Special Event. From our new QTH I am 5 QSL.s short of 9-Band WAS. We are ready to host M/S and M2 operations!

Eric, WA6HHQ CEO of Elecraft and Jim, N1CC discuss K3/100 and Mount Shasta.
Eric has flown next to the mountain many times and we met at HamCom 2014.

LSDXA Dinner - 2010

1966 in West Germany

1963 Portable in Miami, FL

Jim and daughter LaDonna at her wedding
