Geoffrey E. Haines
Bradenton, FL
QCWA # 37339
Chapter 53
Currently, The Technical Coordinator and an Assistant Section Manager for The West Central Florida Section. Has authored many articles for QST. A Past President of The West Central Florida Group, operators of the NI4CE linked repeater system. Past President of the Manatee Amateur Radio Club Inc. Member of The Manatee ARC, Meriden (CT) ARC, and The WCF ARC.
ARRL Appointments include: Assistant Section Manager,Technical Coordinator, Technical Specialist, , Net Manager . Actively engaged in antenna research and development and in developing projects suitable for the newly licensed amateur radio operator.
N1GY's web site www.n1gy.com contains a number of interesting projects for amateur radio enthusiasts and also some small commentaries on various aspects of amateur radio.Please feel free to copy any of the pages for use with any club publication. Commercial use of the material is expressly not permitted without approval by the author.
Awards: 2005 Manatee Amateur Radio Club Literary Award, December 2007 QST Cover Plaque Award, 2009 ARRL Technical Service Award, 2009 WCF-ARRL Outstanding Service Award. 2010 Manatee Amateur Radio Club Inc. Elmer of the Year. 2011, Manatee Amateur Radio Club Ham of the Year 2016 Manatee Amateur Radio Club Service Award.
February 17, 2017