David D. Moon
Baldwinsville, NY
QCWA # 33926
Chapter 29
I had started off in the old Novice Class days back in December 1983, moved on up to Technician during the spring of 1984, and since November of 1984 I've been a General Class ham. In fact, I was among those to have take the very last federally administered amateur radio examination in Buffalo at that time, for the upgrade!
I've made quite a number of friends over the years, and looking forward to making new ones.
For HF, I use Yaesu FT 101ZD transceiver with a long wire antenna;for VHF/UHF, I use an Icom W32A handheld wherever I go.
My activities also include the use of the IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) and Echolink! And finally, I'm a member of QCWA having passed the 25 years licensed requirement.
If you hear me, give me a shout! 73's
December 05, 2015