James F. 'Jim' Boehner
Aiken, SC
QCWA # 26678
Chapter 89
Greetings to all from Dr. Jim, N2ZZ!
Greetings from South Carolina! Currently, I serve as the ARRL Roanoke Division Director. I served as the ARRL South Carolina Section Manager 2003-2009, and the Roanoke Division Vice Director 2010-Jan 16th, 2015.
I am happy to report that I ran for the ARRL Roanoke Division Vice Director position in 2009, and won the election. I began my term of office on January 1st, 2010 and was declared reelected in 2013 for an additional term of three years! I thank all my supporters in the Roanoke Division. For those who did not vote for me, I hope to gain your confidence over the next three years! Please visit my election website http://www.qsl.net/n2zz/
As of January 16th, 2015, Director Dennis Bodson W4PWF retired as the Director of the Roanoke Division. I became the Roanoke Division Director as of that date.
Please check out our SC Section Website: http://www.arrl-sc.org/ and the Roanoke Divsion Website: http://www.arrl-roanoke.org/. Don't forget the National ARRL website http://www.arrl.org .
N2ZZ biography:
I have interests in all phases of amateur radio, and support the American Radio League in its endeavors to preserve our bands, and bring new operators into the hobby.
I am an avid DX'er and have achieved the DXCC honor roll, with 347 all time, 339 current, countries confirmed. I was awarded the 5BDXCC award in 1995. I'm not sure if working the countries, collecting the cards, or trying to arrange 500 cards to send to the ARRL was the most difficult! Most of my DX Confirmations were made before ARRL's Logbook of the World went online. LOTW, in my opinion, has been one of the best member benefits that the ARRL offers. My other awards have included WAS, WAC, Golden Jubilee DXCC, 5BWAC, "We the People" WAS, and the A-1 Operator Club Award.
I am proud to have been the co-recipient of the "Roanoke Division ARRL Service Award" in 2005 and the South Carolina Sideband net "Sidebander of the Year" award in 2004.
I am originally from Liverpool, NY which is a suburb of Syracuse, NY. In 1982 I traveled to Augusta, GA for residency at the Medical College of Georgia. After four years of residency, I moved to Aiken, SC, a very cosmopolitan town which is a true "melting pot" of the entire country. It seems that I have met someone from every state in the union here! I am in private practice here at Aiken OB/GYN Associates, PA and admit to Aiken Regional Medical Centers.
My current station complement centers around an ICOM IC-7800, a FLEX-6700 and an Alpha 87A amplifier. I have emergency 12V power, and a Yaesu FT-857D, Icom IC-7000 and IC-9100 to keep me on the air during a power outage. For HF I have an open-wire fed G5RV antenna (closer to a ZEPP) tuned by a Palstar AT-AUTO, and an Innovantennas (Force 12) XR-5T beam up about 60 feet. For VHF I have a Cushcraft A50-5S 6 meter yagi, a horizontally polarized Cushcraft 2 meter 13B2 and for UHF a horizontally polarized M2 432-9WL. For 2 meters/440 I have an AR-270B at 70 feet, which I use for the N2ZZ-1 APRS Digipeater. Lightning protection is by Alpha Delta Products and Polyphasers. I also have two ground rods down about 20 feet and two down 10 feet, connected to the station by 1/2" copper pipe, ground ribbon strips and hose clamps.
I had a tower crash in April 2011. My new tower and antennas were put up by Don Daso K4ZA of Tower Works, Charlotte, NC. http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/5883
For APRS at home,I use a Kenwood TM-D710 (N2ZZ-1) and provide an APRS digipeater for downtown Aiken. At the 2009 Dayton Hamvention, I purchased a self contained Byonics MT-AIO APRS unit, N2ZZ-10.
My connection to D-STAR is through the Aiken KR4AIK repeater,which has both VHF (145.160-) and UHF (443.4125+ MHz) modules.
For Echolink, N2ZZ-R on 145.35- , pl 156.7 (Echolink node 5764)is located at Aiken Regional Medical Centers. For those wishing to use the Echolink function, you may connect to a node by preceeding the node number with the letter "C". To disconnect, use "73" or "##".The N2ZZ-L Link on 145.72 (Echolink node 147285) is located at my home QTH.
For DMR (MotoTRBO), the N2ZZ repeater is on a 400 foot tower near downtown Aiken. It is a UHF (443.4625+ MHz) repeater, and is connected to the DCI http://www.trbo.org system, and carries almost all of the DCI Talkgroups: http://www.trbo.org/talkgroups/index.html and http://www.trbo.org/talkgroups/managers-tgs.html
Thank you for looking me up on QRZ.COM!
73 de JIM N2ZZ
February 2, 2015