John C. 'Jake' Eckardt
St. Petersburg, FL
QCWA # 38009
Chapter 32
Ten-Ten # 76065
First Call: KE4MJZ issued in 1994
QSL Information---I prefer DX QSL's Direct, or via ARRL Bureau, I'm also on LoTW. For Domestic QSL's I prefer DIRECT or LoTW. (I like the paper QSL post-cards) Please, include your S.A.S.E. (I will send you a card back either way) Again, I'm on LoTW and you can do it that way as well...
Thanks for looking me up! I'm here in Saint Petersburg, FL.
Antennas are 3 center fed, (homebrew) mono-band dipoles-one for 20 meters and the other two for 40 and 80 meters. They are at 45 feet, on top of the tilt-over tower.
The other tilt over tower, on the right, is for the N3FU, UHF repeater 444.025.+ APRS WX station antenna (Commet GP-3) is also on the tower.
Rigs are Collins S-line (with 30L-1 amp), Icom 7600 with Icom IC-AT500 Tuner & IC-2KL Linear Amplifier with Heil ICM mic. Backup station is Kenwood TS-830 (one of my favorite rigs.) with CIiperton-L Amp,. I use the TS-830 mostly for a back-up rig and occasional CW ops.
Station Supervisor, my cat, "Tiger" sitting on the Collins 32S-3, watching every move.
If I can answer any questions, feel free to e-mail me. Thanks for stopping by!
John "Jake" Eckardt

May 24, 2019