George M. Fazio
Wernersville, PA
QCWA # 37548
QSL Information
I will QSL via Logbook of the World (LotW), QRZ, and eQSL.
If I do not receive a LotW QSL within one month, or if I receive a QSL card, I will send a QSL card. As not everyone uses a bureau, and some bureaus discard cards for non-members, I always direct mail unless a contact has provided specific instructions (QSL manager, bureau only, etc.) or I cannot find an address for them.
If you do not use LotW, please send a QSL card (direct mail and bureau are both OK).
Reason: Currently, the DXCC does not accept eQSL, and other online services, as credit for awards (reference http://www.arrl.org/e-qsl-policy) - the policy also applies to WAS, WAC, VUCC, etc. The ARRL's Logbook of the World is the only allowed online method for receiving credit.
I got into amateur radio in 1988. My father, and mother, are "hams" and it was a requirement to get my driver's license as far my father was concerned. Not that I didn't have an interest in it anyway, but it certainly provided incentive.
I use to enjoy working 10M years ago on my father's station, and finally have HF setup at my QTH. Currently, I'm working a lot of FT8 on all bands, but I occasionally tune the dial to see who is out there on phone.
I'm a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the 10-10 International Net (# 48050), and recently joined AMSAT (though I'm not setup for satellite operation at this time).
See also: http://n3gqf.net
Station Information
Main shack:
o Kenwood TS-2000X - HF/6m/2m/70cm/23cm
o Kenwood TM-231A - 2m
o Anysecu TM-218 - 2m/1.25m - using 1.25m
o Luiton LT-725UV - 2m/70cm - using 70cm
Aux shack:
o Alinco DR-605TQ - 2m/70cm
o Radio Wavez FTD160 (160 ft, folded terminated dipole), mounted at ~38 ft off side of tower - 160m-10m
o Comet CHA-250B (end-fed vertical), ground mounted - 80m-6m
o Comet CX-333 (vertical), mounted at ~50 ft (40 ft tower, plus 10 ft mast) - 2m/1.25m/70cm
o Efactor 144/432 dual band, mount at ~45 ft (40 ft tower, halfway on 10 ft mast) - 2m/70cm
o Cushcraft AR-270B (vertical), chimney mount at ~30 ft - 2m/70cm
o 6m loop antenna, chimney mount at ~25 ft
Mobile/Handheld rigs:
o Icom IC-207H - 2m/70cm (car)
o Baofang UV-5R - 2m/70cm (HT)
o Connect Systems CS580 - 70cm DMR (HT)
November 30, 2017