Douglas L. 'Doug' Wall
Raleigh, NC
QCWA # 38332
Chapter 126
First Call: N3LTV issued in 1992
Interests: Building/fixing ham equipment. Building the North Carolina Packet (NCPACKET) network and TARPN (search tarpn.net or ncpacket.net on the internet or search on YouTube for tarpn or ncpacket), the Raleigh Ham club - RARS, Learning new technology: NinoTNC, Digital HF including NBEMS WinFLDgi JS8Call and SDRs - SDRSharp. Helping others via - CommsConnectUS, AmRRON, and as a Volunteer Examiner
Usually found on the N Raleigh 444.525 PL 82.5 repeater and 80m on Sat at 8:30 at 3.853 LSB or the all ham radio social media like network called TARPN Chat.
Licensed in 3/3/1992 as a Tech in Pittsburgh and then moved to Raleigh and upgraded to Advanced 6/1/1993. I was then active mostly on HF, but became inactive after about 2009 and reactive again after retirement on 1/1/2018. I'm working with Tadd Torborg KA2DEW and 20+ other hams to build a TARPN packet network from the mountains to the coast of North Carolina (http://tarpn.net/.).
I've also refreshed my CPR and first aid skills, Skywarn and emergency readiness, for possible volunteer work in the Wake County AUXCOMM (http://wake.nc.auxcomm.us/.). Upgraded to Extra on 7/11/2020.
You will most likely find me on a Raleigh TARPN chat session or on the Raleigh, NC 444.525 repeater.
Packet Node pictured above: Click (http://ncpacket.net/north_carolina_packet_radio_network.html) and scroll to see my node setup.
HT: Yaesu VX-8DR 6m/2m/70cm (backup VX-7DR)
VHF/UHF Base: Kenwood TM-261A and Kenwood TK-862G to Diplexer to a Larsen Dual band in the attic.
UHF Mobile: Kenwood TK-862G reprogrammed to the 7 most common Raleigh 440 repeaters feeding a mag-mounted Comet Dual band on my Honda CRV roof.
HF Base: ICOM 7300 to MFJ-9393B IntelliTuner to window line to 250' OCF dipole 70 feet high and SignaLink for NBEMS/FLDigi HF digital modes - mostly Contestia and Olivia.
Occationally on HF in Purlear, NC from KG7ZKX: Kenwood TS520S & 40m NVIS dipole

December 5, 2021