Ronald R. 'Sig' Sigismonti
Glenmoore, PA
QCWA # 32531
'Sig', a native of Philadelphia, was first licensed as WN3WJD in June, 1953. He started out with homebrew equipment and quickly became interested in CW. He entered his first radio contest in 1954 and has been a consistent participant in the major DX contests ever since.
Sig attended Drexel University and graduated in 1961 with a BSEE.
After marrying his wife, Maryann, in 1963, he moved to the rural town of Rahns, PA.
There the W3WJD superstation was constructed over a 16 year period. Many significant contest wins were recorded in Rahns, including single, multi-single, and multi-multi operator wins for the USA on both CW and SSB. In 1976 he received the callsign N3RS as part of the Incentive Licensing program of the FCC. In 1979 he and his family moved to Glenmoore, PA and he began the construction of his current station. The current station consists of a 1/4 wave ground plane antenna on 160M; a rotary 80M dipole at 140' and a full wave Inverted-Vee; a full size 4 element 40M Yagi at 140' and a 2 element Cushcraft 40M Yagi fixed South at 97', stacked 5 element 20M Yagis at 117'/77'/37' and a single 5 element Yagi at 120'; stacked 5 elemet 15M Yagis at 130'/87'/46', and stacked 5 element Yagis at 40'/80' fixed South; 10M Yagis at 84'/50'/22' and a 5 element Yagi at 150' above the 40M Yagi. Beverage receiving antennas are used on the low bands for receiving along with a Hi-Z 4-SQ receiving array for 80M and 160M.
Sig has four children, and 8 grandchildren. He is a member of St. Peter Parish in West Brandywine, PA and is very active in church activities. He and his wife have been active in the Worldwide Marriage Encounter movement, an organization that focusses on strengthening marriages through improved communications between spouses. Sig is also the trustee for the call, NN3L, which belongs to the local Western Chester County Contest Club.
June 20, 2015