David J. 'Dave' Zablocki
Long Branch, NJ
QCWA # 38252
First Call: N3SIQ issued in 1994
MY OMISS# 6897
Thanks for looking me up on QRZ!
I QSL 100% *Direct is preferred*, I do check the Bureau couple times a year.
I Just started to upload my log to eQSL..
SASE is appreciated but not necessary.
*DX* if you would like a QSL card from me fast, send a SAE to the address above and it will be sent back immediately. All QSL cards sent direct will be returned in a timely manner. Stations wanting to send to me via the bureau, it will be returned via the Bureau (Slow)
My primary Station these days is in Long Branch, NJ. Monmouth Co. Grid: FN30ah
I do have stations in many spots in the North East USA:
Monmouth Co. , NJ FN30ah
Pike Co., PA FN21lm
I have been licensed amateur radio operator since April 1994
I up Graded to General class license inJune 2008
My Shack, Radios and Dipole in New Jersey:
I am using a ICOM 7300, or a Kenwood TS-930s into a Ameritron AL-811 Amp. I use a Dentron MT 3000A manual tuner into an off center feed homebrew dipole about 35 foot up in tree.
I am also running a Yaesu FTM-100D and a Comet CX-333 triband vertical. I operate a Yaesu FT3D handheld when i am out and about. I enjoy time hanging out in the America room and late night rag chew's in the US East Pipeline room 43953.

April 30, 2020