Marcia M. 'Marty' Brown
The Villages, FL
QCWA # 35677
Chapter 217
My handle is MARTY...
I married the OM, W2TPV (now N4FP), in 1965 and became fascinated with CW and traffic handling. I was licensed in 1966 as WN2VYK. I was very involved in traffic and club participation in the 60's and 70's.
Since retiring to The Villages, FL in 2011, I have reintroduced myself to Ham Radio through activities with The Villages Amateur Radio Club (TVARC), a very active club of 170 members. After serving in such illustrious capacities as Historian and Club Apparel Chair, I was delighted to be elected club Secretary in 2012. In the fall of 2013 I became President. Although I am no longer a board member, I enjoy participating in the many TVARC activities. Check us out at www.k4vrc.org.
On the air I'm enjoying PSK 31. As The Villages is an antenna restricted community, PSK is a great way to get out, but CW is still my favorite mode.
We have 2 rigs: Flex6300 with a 6 BTV disguised in a flag pole, a Flex3000 (not on the air right now), and a Kenwood TS-440 with a 20 ft fishing pole undisguised and, at least for now, undetected.
March 1, 2015