N4ICK 1937 - 2015
Andre V. Kesteloot
Mc Lean, VA
QCWA # 32710
Chapter 91
First Call: GK2BZ in 1962
ANDRE VICTOR KESTELOOT 3/13/1937 - 1/4/2015
André up during the war in Belgium, got an Electrical Engineering degree there, and spent a decade in the Middle East with his wife, moving from country to country as Chief Engineer, installing TV and radio transmitters. In 1969, a friend who was working for the CIA talked him into joining the outfit. He spent 25 years as an officer of the CIA, first as an operative in different countries and later performing various jobs in Virginia, including being in charge of Soviet defectors. After retiring he taught negotiating tactics to Iraq-bound Special Forces units, something he was very proud of.
He was a man of many interests and talents. Jazzman, he would play the drums for night clubs and concerts. He was a Ham Radio operator, building all kinds of useful gadgets and exchanging ideas with his AMRAD buddies every Saturday, over lunch. He was happy to be a Freemason for the last 40 years, first in France then here. But his main passion during these last years was Theology. He was a member of Vienna Presbyterian Church and was occasionally invited to give sermons in French at the French Protestant Church.
He was loved by all for his sense of humor, intelligence and great humanity.
He will be greatly missed by his wife of 54 years, Eliane, their two sons Lawrence and Giles, their respective wives Jennifer and Tara, and their respective children Milo and Kalee.
Scott Barry May 24, 2017
I had the privilege of meeting Andre when I was working with a company where he taught negotiating tactics. He became interested in me and invited me to his home. I was impressed with his knowledge and intellect. I learned of his passing, only today. I offer my respect and condolences. Our country was fortunate to have a man of his courage in our service.
Bertrand Saunier January 19, 2015
Mes plus sincès condoléces àliane, Giles et son éuse, ainsi qu'àawrence et sa femme que je ne connais pas. Andrétait un homme droit et cultivémais aussi un frè. Paix àon â.
Judy Gray January 15, 2015
My sincerest sympathies on the loss of a genuinely, kind man. He will be missed. May God comfort you and your family with the memories that you will cherish in your heart forever.
Clifford Ruggles January 13, 2015
Eliane, thank you for sharing Andre with the rest of us. My fondest memories of Andre were watching him in front of a group of students and seeing him so relaxed and confident and the students intent and taking in his every word. So many people will never know of the things Andre did to keep us all safe. Andre you will be missed but not forgotten.
James Pyle (Springfield, VA) January 12, 2015
Please know that my friendship and working relationship with Andre was priceless and his good council, belief in the teaching we performed together at Phoenix Consulting Group goes forward and his impact and influence will pass to other intelligence professionals when he is remembered and his stories and teachings are told and retold. Now he is a star out among the stars.
rene & sonia malouf January 12, 2015
A notre cherie Eliane et nos chers Lawrence et Giles, Andre etait un homme de valeur dont nous nous souviendrons toujours. Que Dieu vous garde et vous donne longue vie. Eliane cherie, si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, n'hesite pas de nous le dire. Nous sommes la pour t'aider.
Avec toute notre affection,
Sonia, Rene et famille.
Glenn Baumgartner January 12, 2015
Eliane we have all lost a great friend an patriot. My deepest condolences to you and your entire family from myself and the Amateur Radio community. Andre was widely known and respected for his educational efforts and selfless quest to promote better understanding of technology. He shall be missed.
Car Williams January 11, 2015
Our prayers and thoughts are with you Eliane and family. Andre was a great man and hero to many of us; he had such a positive influence on all he touched with his wisdom, warm smile and dry sense of humor.
C and D Broussard January 10, 2015
Le depart d'Andre laisse un vide immense. Nous sommes tous porteurs de la flamme qu'il a allumédans notre coeur. Nous ne l'oublierons pas, et en nous il sera toujours present.
Reçez Eliane et tes enfants, notre affection et notre soutien.
Theresa Frush January 10, 2015
My deepest condolences to you and your family Eliane. I only met your husband once last year but I admired his candidness and professionalism. I am certain he will be dearly missed. May he rest in peace and may you focus on the sweet and fond memories of the time shared together!
Anya January 9, 2015
Eliane, my deepest sympathy to you and the boys upon the loss of Andre. I know you will remember all the good times and smile for years to come.
Wanoka Ann Ramos January 9, 2015
My Dear Sister, I did not know your Husband, however you spoke of him often. I felt like I knew him. My Condolences go out to you and your Family.
Maura McDermott January 9, 2015
My deepest sympathy to Eliane and her family. I have such fond memories of him growing up in Beirut. He was truly a wonderful man and a great friend to my mother and father.
Maura McDermott January 8, 2015
Our deepest sympathy to the Kesteloot family As a friend and work colleague, Andre had been able to share his knowledge, experience and professional standards to all he has worked with through the years -- to include many young people who are today serving their country.
Don and Linda Schuler
Akram and Lou Elias January 8, 2015
Our deepest sympathy to the entire Kesteloot family on the passing of Andre. We will surely miss this most wise and loving man...
Warren Ziegler January 8, 2015
I knew Andréhrough his hobby amateur radio. Andréontributed a lot to the technical development and knowledge and is missed by his friends here in the States as well as in the U.K. and Belgium. Andréelped me personally with equipment and documentation. He was a gentleman and will be missed. My condolences to the family.
Warren Ziegler
Wayland, MA
Stan and Carole Causey January 7, 2015
Andre was a friend and will be missed. I still remember our lunches and the conversations we had. He was one of the smartest men I have ever known. He had the ability to draw out the best of the people around him.
Hank & Susan Anmahian January 7, 2015
Our heartfelt sympathies to Eliane and children for the loss of our wonderful friend Andre. We spent many years working together and I'll (Hank) never forget those days. Hank and Susan Anmahian
Betty Bretting January 7, 2015
Andre was an old and dear friend. He was the smartest and funniest man I ever knew. My children and I shared many years with him and Eliane beginning in Kuwait in the early sixties. They were (and are) an intrinsic part of our lives always and we shall miss him greatly. Eliane, our love and thoughts are with you and your boys.

Photo courtesy of Betty Bretting
Ken& Maria Gibala January 7, 2015
With sincere regrets. Andre was both a prince and a genius.