Robert W. 'Bill' Borgmann
Miami, FL
QCWA # 36066
Chapter 12
First Call: KB4JGX issued in 1984
I was originally licensed in 1984 as KB4JGX and upgraded to General Class later that same year and changed my call to N4LDF. I upgraded again to Extra class in 2015 after being away from the hobby for more than 20 years.
Currently I am Vice President of Chapter 12 of the Quarter Century Wireless Association in Miami, Florida.
I served in the US NAVY from 1967 to 1971. Past President of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 121.
I am retired and enjoying the good life and my radios and meeting new friends. Been working mostly FT8 and waiting for FT4. I hope to meet you on the air in the near future. If you hear my call please contact me! Also I no longer utilize the bureau. Pse use eQSL, LOTW or snail mail (SASE pse) i used to.

September 27, 2019