Winston L. Lancaster
Irmo, SC
QCWA # 28374
Chapter 89
Hello! My main operating interest is ragchewing on 80 and 40 Meter CW
Also, I enjoy working Field Day- I am a CW contester - I have been an Extra Class since 1975
My Station: Collins S Line, Kenwood TS-2000, TS-450S, TS-930S, TS-130S, Icom 701, FT-101B, Drake R4B, SB-303 and Datron TW 7000, DX-60B, SB-100
Audio Filter- Timewave DSP-599zx
Amplifiers: Heath SB-220- 500W. Output, Ameritron AL-82- 1500W. Output
Wattmeters- Computer Interfaced Alpha 4520 and Nye Viking RF Power Monitor
Frequency Standard- HP Z3801A with 1 Hz maximum error at 1 Ghz- Custom homebrew 20 MHz multiplier to drive the TS-930S and TS-450S frequency standard inputs - EFRATOM Rubidium Frequency Standard
Past participant in ARRL Frequency Measurement Test- Year 2004
Auto Tuner- Icom AT-500
T/R Switches- QSK-1500, Ameritron QSK-5
DX Engineering Time Variable Sequence Unit to time all keying and control- No hot switching
Antennas: 80/40 M Dipole- Hy Gain 12AVQ for 20/15/10 M
Keyboards: Microlog ATR-6800, Curtis KB4200, Curtis KB4900, K4KN Keyboard, Microlog AKB-1, Microlog ACT-1, HAL CT-2200, Robot 800 and DGM MKB-2000-A great collection!
RTTY Equipment- HAL ST-6000- AEA PK-232MBX
Life Member- ARRL and QCWA
Awards: WAS and WAC
Member of CFO- #220- ARRL Code Proficiency Award- CP-35 (35 W.P.M.)
100% CW on HF

November 25, 2016