Tommie L. Wood
Salisbury, NC
QCWA # 36646
Chapter 126
QSL Bureau, direct(with SASE), eQSL or LoTW. Manager for Club calls W4EXU and N4UH.
I have been licensed since 1990 and work mostly digital and CW. Other hobbies include motorcycles and traveling with my XYL in the motorhome. I am a retired law enforcement officer with 36 years of active duty. I am an active member of the Rowan County Veterans Honor Guard, American Legion Post 327 in Faith, NC and AMVETS Post 565 in China Grove, NC. I am currently the President of the Rowan Amateur Radio Society , and a member of the ARRL, the Carolina DX Assoc., a card sorter for the W4 QSL Bureau, and a Volunteer Examiner for W4VEC and the ARRL. Club numbers are as follows: QCWA# 36646, 070# 661, EPC# 3068, MDG# 392, DMC# 970, Hell# 1422, and 10-10# 75419. Due to the large number of QSL requests and the high cost of postage, any direct QSL request received without a SASE will be returned via the bureau.
13 Colonies Special Event 2015
N4UH will be the North Carolina State Coodinator for the 13 Colonies Special Event for 2015. N4UH will operate as K2J from June 30 thru July 6, 2015. Details for K2J can be found at QRZ.com. Details for the 13 Colonies Special Event can be found at www.13colonies.info. All QSL requests for K2J should be sent to Tommie - N4YZ. All QSL requests must include an SASE or your card will be returned via the bureau.
13 Colonies Special Event 2014
N4UH will be one of the stations operating as K2J (North Carolina) from July 1 thru 6, 2014. All QSL requests for K2J should be sent to Marc - W4MPS. Full details on K2J can be found at QRZ.com. Details on the 13 Colonies Special Event may be found at www.13colonies.info. If you also wish a QSL from N4UH or N4YZ, please include an SASE or your card will have to be returned via the bureau.
July 30, 2015