Nancy L. Heinrich
Sarasota, FL
QCWA # 37907
Chapter 53
First Call: WN8CIY issued in 1963 Other Call(s): WA8ICY WB0JXZ KI4OP
Hello from N4ZM in sunny Sarasota, Florida.
QSL direct USPS, SASE appreciated.
Encouraged by sister, Eleanor (K8HNP, KL7HAD) and brother-in-law, Jim (W8SNO, KL7HAE), both now deceased, I entered ham radio in April, 1963, as WN8ICY. I soon progressed to WA8ICY as technician and then general class, with activity on 2 meters AM, 160 meters mobile, and HF (mostly CW).
Later gravitating to the Kansas City, MO area, I updated my call to WBØJXZ, and was again active on 2 meters AM. During this period I upgraded my license to advanced class.
In 1979, I moved to FL and updated my call to KI4OP. I then upgraded my license to extra-class and received my final call sign, K4ZM. I was inactive for many years and have only recently returned to the air. I operate HF CW and SSB, mostly on 20 meters, I also operate on 2 meters FM and 440 mhz FM. My rig is an ICOM IC-7300, which runs 100 watts. My antennas are a 20 meter 1/2 wave at 25 feet and a G5RV at 30 feet. I use a J-pole at 35 feet on VHF. I also use a Yaesu 7250 in my car with a roof top magmount.
I am retired after many occupations, lastly a paramedic and then an R.N. I enjoy reading, making jewelry, computers, games, and, of course, ham radio.
I am a member of Mensa and QCWA, plus a local ham radio club. I am also a director for the North American Scrabble Players Association and run a Scrabble club every week.
I look forward to chatting with you on the air!
July 01, 2019