Joel E. Sampson
Dallas, TX
QCWA # 32121
I was first licensed as WN9LHL in 1964. I got my ticket again as WD8QIB in the 70's while living in Columbus, Ohio. We moved to Texas in 1986 and I changed to a 5th area call. I now have an Extra.
My main HF rig is an Elecraft K3 I "built". HF antennas include a 75-meter dipole at 35 feet, and a self-supporting 39' vertical, both home made and fed with ladder-line. I have a Kenwood TS-480 and a 40-meter dipole in my electroncs R&D room.
A Kenwood TS-2000 is used on 144 and 440 MHz FM & SSB and sometimes HF. I have an Alinco DR-235 for 222 MHz FM. A Comet CX-333 at 28 feet is used on FM with a CFX-324A Triplexer.
I often work QRP SSB with the K3 or sometimes a FT-817, Flex 1500 or my new Elad FDM Duo.. You can often catch me working QRP on the WAS/DX nets when conditions are good.
My mobile rig is an Icom IC-706MKIIG and Hustler antennas.
I was a frequent 3905 Century Club Net Control Station, but am on vacation at present, although you may catch me as a sub. Watch for my QSO Fiesta!
Awards: 3905 Century Club: 40-M #2114, 75-M 100 #2376, 160-M #297; HHH WAS #768, Geritol #2320 (D 444), OMISS # 4372, 10-X #72276 (life member), QCWA #32121 (life member). More awards are at http://www.n5lxi.com .
The QTH is the Lake Highlands area in northeast Dallas, just North of White Rock Lake.
I work as an artist in new media / sound art, mixed media, collage and photography. My art and complete bio are at http://www.joelsampson.com . My QSL card includes a small reproduction of my art.
I am good in the 3905 Century Club QSL buros.
I have a complete list of Verified Dallas / Fort Worth repeaters and other free original ham radio content, including free QSL card dividers, at http://www.n5lxi.com.
73, joel
July 28, 2016