Charles A. 'Alan' Clark
Ellisville, MS
QCWA # 31842
***Notice*** I request a SASE for all WAS card requests! I receive a lot of cards every day. DX cards are ok direct with a SASE, via the bureau, or via LOTW!
I go by the name "Alan" and I enjoy contesting and DXing. I have operated from several DXCC entities and enjoy going on DXPeditions.
If you want to check to see if you are in my log, go to my web site at http://www.n5pa.com and click the "Ham Radio" button on the top of the page, then enter your callsign under "N5PA Log Inquiry".
The station consists of:
The rigs consist of a Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark-V, an Icom 756 Pro III, and an Icom 706 MKIIG. I have the following amplifiers, an Ameritron AL-1500, an Ameritron AL-811H, an Alpha 76A, and a converted Heathkit SB-200 for 6 Meters. I have a Force 12 XR5 10-element beam and a Tennadyne T8 beam, but the temporary antenna at the new QTH is a K4KIO Hexagonal Beam. The computer is a Dell XPS 8500 running Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit and I am using DX4WIN station logging software and WriteLog or N1MM Logger Contesting software.
Since moving to the new QTH near Ellisville, MS I have been off the air but I am now on with a temporary antenna.
I also have a station at our farm that is 8 miles north of Meadville, MS in Franklin County. I am slowly building this station up and I have a vertical and Carolina Windom up at this location now. By the end of 2015 I hope to have at least two towers up at the farm, one at 92 feet and one at 53 feet.
Hope to work you on the bands!
January 25, 2015