Richard C. 'Rick' Breaux
Duson, LA
QCWA # 24277
Chapter 109
XYL Joy N5YCS Q# 37034
Nickname is Rick
Licensed in June 1962 as Novice WN5CFS, then Technician WA5CFS, then Conditional WA5CFS. License expired midway through a 2 year tour in Vietnam.
Licensed again in 1990 as Technician N5RLM, then Advanced N5RLM, and now Extra N5RLM.
Rig is Flexradio 3000 and antenna is Hustler 6BTV.
QCWA - Life Member - 24277
Life Member of QCWA Chapter 109 Baton Rouge
10-10 Life Member - 59629
DMC #6428
XYL Joy N5YCS licensed 25+ years

April 01, 2016