Randy W. 'Wayne' Day
Ponder, TX
QCWA # 26077
Chapter 72
Only the feds and telemarketers know me as "Randy" - everyone else calls me "Wayne".
Trustee / sponsor for NW5HS: Northwest High School ARC, Justin, TX.
As my old QSL card shows, I enjoy being mobile (the picture is from a 1999 trip up Pike's Peak in Colorado, using a previous version of the N5WD-wagon. The Voyager died an untimely death, though, and has been replaced with a Chrysler Town and Country).
From my home station, I am primarily active on satellites and 6m, chasing elusive VUCC grids, (now about 350 confirmed) and 6m states (Need RI, and Vermont, Alaska and Hawaii for 50!), PSK31 and the digital modes, as well as DX'ing on the HF bands where my current DXCC country count is about 260 or so.
On D-Star, you can often find me listening to REF001C, the worldwide QSO party! I run a Raspberry Pi/DV Mega combo at the house -it covers the ranch quite well, and allows me to listen to whatever reflector I want to without disturbing anyone else on the local repeaters (usually W5NGU-B in Denton, TX). I'll soon have another Raspberry Pi/DV Mega in the Town and Country -you can find that one on aprs.fi as N5WD-2 on 144.39 (or N5WD-3 on the ID-51+ whether at the house or mobile).
If you are wanting a QSL for V31WD or V31UA's 2003 expedition to Belize, please send your card directly to my address with an SAE + $US.44 stamp for US cards, $US.98 stamp $US1 for DX cards. Don't you wish you had used those IRCs when they were worth something?
I make a buro mailing once a year - the next one will be in August 2016!
My XYL was W5PHD (ex-KB5UAE) & V31UA. Pamela contracted uterine cancer and died in April of 2013. We had one harmonic, a son, and along the way, have picked up one harmonic-in-law, and two grandchildren. Since Pamela died, the kids and I have bought a small ranch near Ponder, Texas (EM13) where I've yet to get any massive antennas in the air, but they're coming!
My previous callsigns include: WN5WDB, WA5WDB, KF5ZC and I currently hold V31WD from Belize. I also guest-op'ed DU3DO while we were living in the Philippines.
July 25, 2015