John E. 'Cord McNally' Wisniowski
Placentia, CA
QCWA # 36748
Chapter 7
Hobbies: Camping, Fishing, Ham Radio, Photography, Off Highway / 4x4 exploring, and Shooting (Cowboy Action, and Target). NRA Certified Instructor. ARRL VE.
Retired from Hughes Aircraft Company and Southern California Edison in 2014.
Got my first call sign in 1969.
I was off the air for many years, but got back into it just before retiring. That and fishing seemed like the right thing to do.
I have 160m thru 450 MHz access in almost all modes plus Amateur Satellite, and some Moon bounce.
My favorite operations are working DX, VHF/UHF openings, and Contests.
Clubs, etc: ARRL, QCWA, SCDXC, 10-10 International (41556), SMIRK (5094), SCE ARC, San Diego Six Shooters ARC, The Cowboys, and SASS.
Look for me operating JT65 on 20m late at night.
QSL via: Both LoTW and eQSL.
Please check out my weather station at: http://weatherlink.com/user/n6dbf
August 12, 2015