Vincent A. Mc Kever
Palatka, FL
QCWA # 38187
Chapter 62
First Call: KN6OAC issued in 1957 Other Call(s): K6OAC
I spend a lot time on 6 and 10 meter FT8. I use QRZ logging I log all contacts within 1 or 2 min. Running a Icom 7610 on 80 thru 6 meters. Antennas are a cobweb at about 20 feet and/or a DX Commander/N6OA vetrical on 30/40 meters and an off center fed dipole, most of which is 5 feet above the ground, on 80. FT-8 and SSB. I am on Yaesu Fusion listing to America Rag Chew room or America link room.I also listen to DMR TAC-3112. The digital equipmnet is Yaesue FT-400, FT-2 and FT-70, In the corner somewhere is an FT-100 and an HRI-200 working thru the local UHF repeater which makes it a wide area WIRES-X NODE. Seems to get real busy at times.
First Call sign August 1955 as KN6OAC Extra Call in 1969. Operating from Palatka, FL EL99EP. Also on YSF from Lima Peru, South America. We go SOUTH for the Winter, WAY SOUTH to PERU, QSL 100% via QRZ within a minuet of 2.
Retired E-8 ETCS(SW) from the USN after 30 years drinking coffee and telling sea stories. Served in USA, Japan, Philippines, 3 Aircraft carriers and 3 Naval Air Stations. USS Ticonderoga (CVA-14), USS Constallation (CVA-64), USS Midway (CVA-41), Naval Air Station Miramar San Diego, CA, Naval Air Station Cubi Point, Philippines, and Naval Air Station Lemoore, CA. Retired in July 1991.
Thanks for your QSL. Someday I'm going to get one of those awards like WAS, WAC, etc. I've pretty much worked everything but the folks won't confirm.
February 16, 2020