Dan M. Dankert
Tustin, CA
QCWA # 35576
Chapter 7
First started as an SWL "KDX6T" in 1974 at age of 4, then became a ham in 1986. Inspired by my grandfather W6RII (SK), and my father N6EGC. Jim Rafferty N6RJ (SK) was my DXing and contesting elmer. I am forever grateful to these three individuals for teaching me the best of ham radio. Enjoy DXing and contesting from 1.8 MHz thru 50 MHz.
Past calls and/or DXpeditions: A35DD, S79DD, S92DD, T20DD, T31DD, V47DD, V63CG, ZF2RE, ZK1PEQ, 1S1DD, 3D2CQ, 5W0DD, 8P9EG, FM/N6PEQ, J37/N6PEQ, NH6/N6PEQ, PJ2/N6PEQ, PJ4/N6PEQ, P40/N6PEQ, KP2/N6PEQ, KP4/N6PEQ, XE2/N6PEQ & CO2/N6PEQ.
DXCC Honor Roll
Member: ARRL A-1 Operator Club
Charter Member of the Pina Colada Contest Club (KP2AA).. Previous PCCC Field Day operations: 2002: Puerto Rico as NP4A 2003: Cuba as CO0US/T42FD 2004 & 2005: St.Croix as KP2AA
Charter Member of the Yamon DX Federation (W6YDX) www.yamon.org
Member: Orange County Amateur Radio Club (W6ZE), Southern California DX Club (W6AM), QRP ARCI, San Bernardino Microwave Society, North American Shortwave Association, National Radio Club, International Radio Club of America, Western States Weak Signal Society, Longwave Club of America, Worldwide TV-FM DX Association
Life Member: Orange County DX (N6RJ), Indexa, ARRL, 10-10 International, Central States VHF Society, QCWA, OMIK
All mode capabilities include:
HF Station "A": IC-7850 + SM-230 + Alpha 87A Amplifier + Alpha 77SX Amplifier + Alpha 4510 Wattmeter + Palstar AT5Kplus Antenna Tuner
HF Station "B": IC-7800 + SM-230 + Alpha 87A Amplifier + Alpha 77SX Amplifier + Alpha 4520 Wattmeter + Palstar AT10K Antenna Tuner
HF Station "C": IC-9100
Patio Station: FT-817 & IC-7000
Receiving Stations: IC-R9500 & IC-R71A
HF Antenna System:
10 meters = 7 element wide-spaced mono-band yagi
12 meters = 2 element mono-band yagi
15 meters = 4 element wide-spaced mono-band yagi
17 meters = 2 element mono-band yagi
20 meters = 3 element wide-spaced mono-band yagi
30 meters = 2 element mono-band yagi
40 meters = 2 element wide-spaced mono-band yagi
60 meters = Sloper
80 meters = Rotatable dipole
160 meters = Sloper
Stationary Dipole for 10/15/20 Meters
Vertical: Comet CHA-250B
Rotor: Yaesu G-2800DXA
VHF Equipment/Antennas:
50 MHz: IC-7800 + Alpha 6 amplifier (8 Element LFA Yagi 42' boom, Vertical & HO-Loop).
144 MHz: IC-9100 (Vertical & HO-Loop stack).
222 MHz: IC-375A (HO-Loop stack).
432 MHz: IC-9100 (Vertical & 4 HO-Loop stack).
1296 MHz: IC-9100 (35 element yagi & Vertical).
Misc Equipment:
Interfacing: 4O3A SSC XL's & Winkeyer
Dummy Load: Alpha 2100
Preamplifiers: Mini Circuits, Advanced Receiver Research & Mirage
Bandpass Filtering: 4O3A & Industrial Communication Engineers
Remote Antenna Switching: 4O3A & Industrial Communication Engineers
Keys: GHD GN407A+ single-paddle, Bencher Mercury dual-paddle, Schurr Profi 2 dual-paddle, Bencher BY-4 dual-paddle, Bencher BY-2 dual-paddle, Schurr Mini straight-key & GHD GF601MP Cootie/Sideswiper Key.
Microphones: Heil Goldlines & Heil PR-780
Headsets: Heil Proset 7's, Heil Proset Plus's & Radiosport RS60CF's
SWL Accessories:
RTTY/Digital demodulator: Universal M-8000
MW Loop antenna: Kiwa
VLF/MW Loop antenna: Wellbrook Engineering LFL1010
RF Systems DX-One Professional MK-2 Active Antenna (ELF/LW/MW/SW)
MAC Pro & Mac Mini
RUMlog, SkookumLogger & RUMped

August 21, 2015