Erich J. Holzer
Tucson, AZ
QCWA # 36606
Chapter 15
I was first licensed in 1972 while a member of the USAF stationed in Wichita, KS. Later that year I was transferred to Tucson, AZ and stationed at DMAFB.
I have lived in Tucson ever since. The XYL and I are both from NJ
I am a Life Member of the ARRL and was granted my Extra Class license in 1975.
I servered two terms as the Arizona ARRL Section Communications Manager in the late Seventies to early 80's.
I was mostly inactive from the mid 1980's till now. During this period I did keep my amateur radio license current.
In late 2013 I got the itch again and since I was always interested in QRP CW operation I built an Elecraft K1 QRP CW Transceiver. IT was a fun project to build.
In September of 2014 took the plunge and purchased a Kenwood TS-590S and have become very interested in PSK31 operating.
As stated my station consists of an Elecraft K1 and a Kenwood TS-590S. My antenna is a 72ft long end fed wire.
September 09, 2015