Marsha E. Fleming
Huntington Woods, MI
QCWA # 33516
Chapter 215
Stateside QSL manager for James Fleming/ VK4TJF. (send SASE with your QSL card.)
ANY cards for K8UP -John Fleming before 5/22/11 or his son James after 8/7/11.
(US hams send SASE, DX pls send $2 only NO IRC'S-- if received by BURO will send same)
Previous call KA8DMR (1979) until 12/12/06 when I got my Extra license and got a vanity license N8FE.
I became licensed so I could talk to my OM John K8UP(SK). My first love was 2 meters and some of my best friends came from my local repeater contacts. I was very active with the Oak Park MI ARC including being Secretary and organizing the Swap for 2 years.
I also organized hams for The Pleasant Ridge Crop Walk for 3 years and was Net Control for March of Dimes Walkathon for 2 years. The freedom of being a SAHM allowed me to work with SKYWARN and ARES for Oak Park and Oakland County, MI. Many a day, the boys were sent down the basement while Mom was outside on the porch looking up at the clouds with radio in hand. Both my sons are now active hams -- Sean K8KHZ and James (who lives in Australia) VK4TJF/K8UP
I'm now active with a few groups
.Disbursing Treasure for Young Ladies Radio League. check us out at www.ylrl.org
.ARRL Instructor - HPARC Technician and General level classes that end with the license exam (I am one of the VE's) We offer full term classes for all 3 levels (including Extra). Please check out www.hparc.org for contact info.
.Newsletter Editor for SEMDXA Long Path
.Membership VP (1st) for HPARC
.Oakland County ARPSC - ARES member and RACES certified. SKYWARN trained and am the SE Subnet Siren Test Coordinator.
.member of QCWA chapter 215 Metro Detroit since 2006.
Radio activity includes:
.Avid DX'er and earned DXCC and WAC in 2008. Currently have 143 Countries.
.Enjoy contesting and member of MRRC (www.madriverradioclub.org) Earned WAS in 2007 and well on my way toward 5 Band WAS (10 meters here I come).
.Love working special event stations and pileups.
.Still think that UHF/VHF is the place to meet local hams and make life long friends. I have dual band radios in my car and in the house plus a few HT's.
I go to Dayton Hamvention each year. Maybe I'll see you there.
Note about Elmers --- I want to thank my 2 Elmers Dee N8UZE and John K8UP (SK) for helping me upgrade to Extra. They taught a class through my club that just happened to be when my cataracts were the worst. I took extensive notes during class but I could not study the ARRL and W5YI books like you're supposed to. I could barely read without my magnifying glass and had to take long breaks. I did make enlarged copies and highlight them and that helped. Sometimes I had to learn most of the material orally. But Dee and John came to the rescue. Their explanations during class were fantastic. They encouraged me (and the rest of the class) to ask questions outside of class and I took them up on it. You bet I did! Sometimes I think I must have asked the same question a few times. Their encouragement was the true meaning of "Elmer". Thank you Dee and John. I couldn't have done it without you.
8/5/11 - on June 27, 2011 my OM of 41 years John K8UP became a silent key. The family decided to keep his call in the family and our son James VK4TJF is now K8UP. All those who knew him know that he is still sending CQ DX from the best DX entity there is.
November 26, 2016