Edward S. 'Ned' Raybould
Marietta, OH
QCWA # 37073
I was born in 1966. I first became licensed in 1991 shortly after the introduction of the codeless Technician class license. I remained at the Technician class, until early March of 2007, when the FCC dropped the Morse Code requirement altogether. I obtained the Amateur Extra class.
My activities include VHF/UHF FM (both simplex and repeaters), and digital voice using D-Star. I have also enjoyed packet radio and APRS. Since achieving Extra class, I have enjoyed operating on the HF bands using SSB, PSK31, MFSK, Hellschreiber, Olivia and lately JT65-HF. I plan to also get into some of today's other prominent digital modes (and some SSTV; which I have done on FM repeaters a few years ago) and I would also like to try HF digital voice. I have done very little satellite work, but I did make one contact through AO-51. I would eventually like to build or buy some antennas to more easily work some of the birds. I would also like to use those VHF/UHF antennas for some terrestrial SSB work. Finally, I would like to get on the microwave bands: mainly 10 GHz and 24 GHz.
I belong or have belonged to several amateur radio clubs or organizations: Dayton Amateur Radio Association (hosts the Dayton Hamvention each May), Farout Amateur Radio Club, Miami Valley FM Association, West Central Ohio Amateur Radio Association (formerly Kettering Medical Center Amateur Radio Association), Central Ohio Radio Club, Capital City Repeater Association (CCRA), Parkersburg Amateur Radio Klub, Marietta Amateur Radio Club, TAPR, AMSAT, ARRL, Midwest VHF/UHF Society, North Texas Microwave Society, and QRP-ARCI. I have been secretary of the CCRA since about 2000 and their webmaster since 2007. Visit http://www.ohioccra.net.
I have elmered a few people and helped them study for their license exams: KC8PDX, KD8BUP, and N8OWZ. I have also helped administer about 20 exams after becoming an accredited Volunteer Examiner (under the ARRL-VEC) in April of 2007. About three years later, I became accredited as a volunteer examiner through the Laurel VEC.
My radios consist of an Icom IC-7600, a Kenwood TS-2000X, a Yaesu FT-897D, an Icom ID-51A, and a Kenwood TH-D72A. I also have a DV Dongle for those times when I would like to use the local repeater but cannot bring it up, and I have a DV Access Point Dongle for when I have my D-Star radio, but still can't hit a repeater. Other accessory equipment include a Palstar AT2K antenna tuner, Palstar DL2K dummy load, MicroHAM Micro Keyer II, MicroHAM Digi Keyer, MicroHAM Micro Keyer 2R+, LDG Electronics AT-200ProII autotuner, and a PowerMaster II digital wattmeter.
I am signed up with eQSL.cc and Logbook of the World (LOTW). I plan to upload my logs once a week. I will also upload my logs to this site. You may also QSL me direct or use the bureau, and I will do the same, or I may have already sent you a card for our QSO.
My amateur radio blog is at http://n8oif.blogspot.com
30MDG (30-meter Digital Group) #1039; FHC (Feld Hell Club) #1087
May 26, 2016