N8PR 1946 - 2020
Peter 'Pete' Rimmel
Lakewood, OH
Rocky River, OH
Hollywood, FL
QCWA # 18813
Chapter 69
 FDXA Meeting January 8, 2020 |
First Call: KN8UNP in 1960 Other Call(s): K8UNP
From: dxnews.com
09-24-2020, 01:59 PM
A Tribute to N8PR, Peter Rimmels - By W2CQ, Bill Marx
It is with a very sad heart we announce that Pete Rimmel - N8PR passed away Monday September 21st after a long illness.
One of the good guys is gone on to work DX In the Sky...
From: qrz.com
In 1960 I got my Novice License - KN8UNP at age 13. I lived in Lakewood, Ohio at the time. Within the next year I upgraded to general class and my call changed to K8UNP. At that time I was mainly interested in rag chewing and 160 meters. I was active locally in nets and traffic handling.
Having traveled by sailboat for about 1/3 of the world, I later found that I wanted to repay many kind hams for having provided me with means to keep in touch with family and friends.
I now live in Hollywood, FL but used to live in Kansas City, Charleston, SC and the San Francisco Bay area.
At 90 feet I have an inverted vee on 80 Meters. I shunt feed a 116 ft Rohn tower on 160. Another crank up holds a Waller Flag antenna at 85 ft for low band receive mounted on it. It can be rotated from H. Pol. through Vertical Polarization to H. Pol. to match incoming wave polarization. There is a 40 ft. crank up tower with 6 elements for 6 Meters and a recieve loop on 160 M at the top. A Tri-Ex 70 foot tower holds a SteppIR DB-36 plus 11 elements on 2 Meters.
At present, I use an Icom 7851 Tranceiver,and an Acom 2000A Amplifier plus a converted SB200 for 6 Meters. I have recently started dabbling in Satellite communications - the "easy SATS" and EME. Bill, NZ5N and I put together the EME station. We are using 1.5 KW with a Lunar-Link LA-200 amplifier...
I have travelled and contested from ZB, PJ2, PJ7, KG4 and hold ZB2EM and C6AHR calls. Awards include No. 1 DXCC on SSB and all but one on CW. I also have 5BWAZ, and I just got 11 band DXCC (160 through 2 Meters) I think, from what I can determine, that I am only the 4th US station do attain 11 Band DXCC.
My personal mission is to encourage people the world over to PRAY FOR PEACE in the world. Visit www.prayforpeace.info for more information.
South Florida DX Association ex- VP, Treasurer, Director Life Member Emeritus
American Radio Relay League Life Member 1980 - Present
Quarter Century Wireless Association Life Member 1985 - Present K8UNP - N8PR
Florida Contest Group 1995 - Present
Davie-Cooper City Amateur Radio Club Treasurer 2011 - Present
National Association of Marine Surveyors 1978 - Present
Marine Chemist Association Dec 1980 - Dec 2011 Retired

Heathkit AR-3 rcvr, QF-1 Q-multiplier and a DX-35 xmtr
with my Cousin, Pat, WN8CBG - He has the AR-3 and QF-1 that I built

This was my station with my new RME 45 receiver - I was 15 Years old then !

The best Radio club in Ohio!

The Argosy Venture - I captained from San Francisco to Italy in the mid-1970s

the EME position at home

11 Band DXCC