Scott D. Yonally
Lexington, OH
QCWA # 36289
Chapter 117
I'm Scott... I became licensed in January, 1979 as a Novice. I had one of those unusual new fangled KA8 calls that really stuck out. I was licensed as KA8DWI. Don't worry, I've heard it all. Yes, I did have a call letter plate with that call on it. It now resides in my garage. In 1980 I upgraded to General and in 1982 I upgraded again, this time to Advanced and became KC8SS.
In January, 2000 I took and passed the exam for Amateur Extra (including the 20 word a minute code).. I had retained my KC8SS call for a short time after that, but a few friends soon convinced me to change the call to my initials and hence the call of "N8SY".
I feel really lucky to have had two elmers in my ham life. The first one inspired me to become a ham in the first place, my brother Gary, WA8BIW (SK). He and I would spend hours in his basement building all sorts of Heathkit equipment for our enjoyment. This became such a part of my life over the years that it fast became a family night for Gary and me and our wives as well.
My Wife Janie is also licensed and her call is KB8YPW. She has decided to be one of those "quiet hams", you know, 100% listening to the radio occasionally, and "0" percent operating.
The second Elmer I had was Joe Phillips, K8QOE (SK), formerly Ohio's Section Manager who inspired me to become the best newsletter editor/publisher that I could be.
I've held many positions both locally, as well as for the Ohio Section and Great Lakes Division over my 30+ years as being a ham operator. And I have enjoyed serving in all of these capacities. I am currently the Section Manager for the Ohio Section as well as serving as Assistant Director for the Great Lakes Division as well.
I hope that you enjoy being a ham as much as I have and will give back a portion of your time and talents to the betterment of the Amateur Radio Art.
For now, 73, Scott..
Here's just a quick list of some of the jobs I've had, or now hold..
Currently serving as the Section Manager for the Ohio Section
Currently serving as Assistant Director Great Lakes Division
Past President, Secretary, Board Member and Corporate Agent of the Mansfield Amateur Service and Emergency Repeaters, Inc. (MASER)
Current member of the Civilian Emergency Response Teams (CERT) in Richland County, Ohio
Current member of the Richland County Emergency Management Agency (RC-EMA) and Amateur Radio Operator for the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES), Richland County, Ohio
Creator of the Great Lakes Division website, Ohio Section website, InterCity Amateur Radio Club (IARC) website, the Mansfield Amateur Service & Emergency Repeaters (MASER) website, Ohio Single-Side Band Net website and the Ohio ARES / OES HF Digital Net website
Past Secretary, Board Member and Corporate Agent for the InterCity Amateur Radio Club, Inc (IARC)
Former Northern Ohio Skywarn Steering Committee Member
Currently an (OO) - My latest accomplishment 01 October 2014
Currently an Official Relay Station (ORS)
Published author of the story "Newsletters" "what makes them what they are..." Published in the ARRL National Educational Workshop book - HAM RADIO.. Planning for the Future
Currently an Official Emergency Station (OES)
Former Assistant Emergency Coordinator (Skywarn) Richland County, Ohio
Past Public Information Coordinator (PIC) for Ohio (serving2 different times)
Past District Emergency Coordinator (District 6) Ohio Section
Former VHF Repeater Advisory Committee (VRAC) member
Extra Class Accredited Volunteer Examiner
Past Affiliated Clubs Coordinator for Ohio
Former Co-Chairperson for the Mansfield Ohio Mid*Winter Hamfest
Past Editor / Publisher of Airwaves Journal
"Ham of the Year" 1983 InterCity Amateur Radio Club (IARC)
Life member of the Ohio Single Side-Band Net (OSSBN)
Member of the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA)
November 1, 2014