Robert C. 'Bob' Mitilieri
Sandwich, IL
QCWA # 29183
Chapter 2
I've been a ham for over 43 years (in 2015) starting out in Brooklyn, NY. I had a Heathkit DX-60 transmitter (with lots of crystals) and an HR-10B receiver. At the time I thought Albany, NY was DX! I've since moved quite a bit, and ended up in Sandwich, IL (maybe 50 miles west of Chicago).
I haven't done very much operating in the past few years since I wasn't able to get permission for an outdoor antenna. However, my YL let me "plant" a Cushcraft R-8 in the back yard next to the adjoining corn field. The corn must help electromagnetic radiation because I've had lots of luck with the R-8 and an Elecraft K3 running 100 watts. There's an Ameritron AH-811A a new Elecraft KPA500 in the shack just in case I need it. Also just strung up an inverted L to be able to get on 80 and 160 meters. Since I got the K3 I've made my first few contacts ever on 6 meters! I got lucky and ran into some sporadic E. Of course now I want to build a 6 meter beam. Truly an amazing hobby, nearly 40 years and the thrill still isn't gone.
Here's an update in November 2013... Just last month I earned my DXCC! - and this month I received the last QSL I needed for WAS. I know it's strange to have DXCC before WAS since I live in the states. However, I've moved quite a bit and, every time I moved more than 50 miles (about 80km), I've had to start WAS all over again.
I operate mostly SSB now (with some RTTY and PSK31 thown in). My CW has deteriorated seriously and I need to brush up because I really miss operating CW.
Hey, if you hear me on the air give me a call.
ITU Zone: 8
CQ Zone: 4
Grid: EN51qp
10-10: 38756
FISTS: 4957
NAQCC: 5467

July 06, 2016