Edward J. Picha
Deer Park, IL
QCWA # 29452
Hi folks!
I've been licensed since 1971 as WN9IMV, then WB9IMV and finally N9EP in 1975. Ham radio has changed quite a bit over the years, but it has been a blast the whole way!
I'm mostly on CW but do enjoy other modes as well. Main interests include general HF operation, mobile CW, contests, homebrew, repeaters, portable operation and DXing. I recently received my 5BDXCC plaque and am working on the DXCC Challange. I have recently been experimenting with DSTAR thanks to some very enthusiastic friends who have loaned me equipment.
My modest shack includes Elecraft K3 and KX1 transceivers as well as an IC706 MKIIG configured in a portable setup (pictured above) and an ICOM IC7000 for mobile CW in the car. The portable setup includes the IC706, an 18 AH battery, DC-DC converter, LDG autotuner and other pieces and parts...instant portable operation, just add antenna. The quick-deploy antenna shown in the background of the above picture is a standard Hustler mobile vertical mounted on a small stepladder with steel tape measures for radials.
I operate a repeater in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. It's on 442.8 MHz (repeater transmit, repeater receive at 447.8 MHz, PL 114.8 Hz). The repeater provides coverage throughout the Chicago area and is open for all to use, please stop by and say hello. It is also IRLP-capable, node 4630. We have recently converted to a dual-mode DSTAR and analog configuration. Any analog activity will cause the DSTAR repeater to be inhibited while analog is present. Analog users are advised to use PL receive so that they do not have to listen to the DSTAR data. For DSTAR users, the DSTAR repeater call is KC9RBB.
Professionaly, I work for Motorola doing land mobile radio product and system design. I'm active in the Motorola Amateur Radio Club (K9MOT, Schaumburg Chapter) and the Northern Illinois DX Association.
Thanks for the contact, and I do QSL, love to send and receive cards, no SASE necessary!
I'm also glad to help ANYONE who's either working for their ham license or has already passed the test and wonders what to do next.
April 29, 2015